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Pet Peeve
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Old Shoe

May-2-2006 20:26

So this has ALWAYS been a pet peeve of mine; since the beginning of my Sleuthing.

*NOTE: This is not as big of one as the waiter/waitress 'fiasco' was*

Take a look at Sleuth Admin's detective page, for example.

Order o Socrates: Good(10)
Arcanum Brthrhd: Good(10)
Cosa Nostra: Poor(-3)
Eastern Triads: Good(10)
Circle of Light: Poor(-2)
Green Hand: Good(10) "

Notice that of is "o", not "of" in Order of Socrates
Notice that Brotherhood is shortened, and the word Dies is completely absent
"La" is missing in La Cosa Nostra
Isn't it "The" Green Hand, "The" Eastern Triads?

Now I know this was done because of margin widths, but can it not be fixed in any way? It's not only annoying, but also can be confusing as to what the factions are called. Perhaps they could even be shortened to just OS, LCN, DAB, GH, CoL, and ET? (Although that would be very confusing as well)

Just something that's always bothered me.



Mar-12-2008 08:25

Getting the feeling you don't like ANYTHING related to snow, Crunchman. Although, I really understand that last one. C'mon with the Jamaican accent, dude - YOU'RE CANADIAN!!! Reality check, Aisle 3 please... (Hoot!)

Ashley Rimmer
Ashley Rimmer

Mar-14-2008 10:37 pet peeve is when people keep on repeating themselves.

We heard you the first time!!!!

My other pet peeve is when people spit when talking. EWWW!!

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Mar-14-2008 11:00

It peeves me when someone pulls out in front of me when I'm driving, making me brake, and then proceeds to drive 5 miles below the speed limit... what's worse is when I see that NO ONE is behind me, therefore that idiot driver COULD HAVE waited till I passed and then pull out and drive slowly.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-15-2008 05:29

People who leave supermarket trolleys in car parking spaces.


Multiple exclamation marks - mind you, that's not new, look at Queen Victoria.

Men on trains who think it's OK to elbow me in the side because they're reading a newspaper.

Anyone who doesn't get the fact that using headphones is supposed to mean that other people can't hear what you're listening to. Or doesn't care.

Parents who think it's fine for their child to repeatedly kick the back of the seat in front (often found on planes and in cinemas).


Thank you. I feel better now.

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Mar-15-2008 09:42

Cordelia, that last one REALLY peeves me! Or how about parents who let their children scream and cry in a restaurant without removing them so everyone can eat in peace? Really rude! (One exclamation mark)


Mar-15-2008 09:56

You have touched on a good one, both of you. Then there's the parents who not only do all of that, but expect the staff to watch after their children, after all the parents are out for a night to relax.


Mar-15-2008 11:17

And then, when they're done ruining everyone else's dining experience... they all go to the movies. Oh, JOY!

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Mar-15-2008 13:44

LOL, I guess that wins the universal pet peeve award!

Safety Officer

Mar-15-2008 17:13

You guys lol. I f you choose to dine out at MacDonalds you have to take yer licks. Next you'll be complaining about the drunk read headed guy that keeps honking his mini-trumpet and squirting water in your eye with his lapel daisy. That's the CLOWN!


Mar-15-2008 18:34

LOL I had to do a double take here. I thought SS was taking a shot at me, just one letter off! ;-)

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