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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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Old Shoe

Jul-11-2005 21:18

The sixth of seven books will be released this week.

Any speculations on who the Half-Blood Prince is?

I think it may be Draco Malfoy. He is from a 'pure' family, but JK Rowling does say on her site that "none of these families is really pure - in other words, they simply cross off Muggles and Squibs off the family tree and pretend that they didn't exist." Also, "This subject (pure-bloods not being fully pure) is touched upon in 'Half-Blood Prince.'"

I think it may be a clue from JK Rowling that the Half-Blood Prince is a "pure-blood."

On the other hand, we know little about Nearly Headless Nick except of his execution and that he was some form of royalty. I believe he may be the Half-Blood Prince too, as, he could fit the 'prince' part.

Thoughts on who the Half-Blood Prince is?



Jul-12-2005 12:58

I know JK Rowling keeps saying this book isn't as long as the last one and that disappointed me. However, when you see the film of her signing her first copy of the book it looks quite big. And funnily enough Draco is the only one she hasn't said isn't the prince. Also in some interviews she mentions that Narcissa (Draco's Mum) will be in this book more because Lucius was locked up. This might mean that the Draco theory is right. There has got to be a new Minister for Magic and I really hope Delores Umbridge gets her comeuppance. Also got to hope nobody too close to Harry dies....hasn't he lost enough?


Jul-12-2005 12:59

Sorry, I am a total HP bore. Get me on the subject I can't get off......


Jul-12-2005 13:07

Son of he who must not be named? Like the illigimate child or something. :) :) :) Like prince Harry, is he the son of Charles or not. <snort>

The second question I then have, if there is a prince, then who is the king or queen?

I am wracking my brain right now, but I can barely even remember the last two books, just the highlights. Was there a king?


Jul-12-2005 13:09

Oh with prince Harry, I didn't mean Harry potter, but the one of the british royal family.

Could it be that prince Harry (son of Diana and supposedly charles) himself, turns out to be half wizard? heheheheh.

Old Shoe

Jul-12-2005 13:19

I was thinking, maybe Half-Blood refers to half-royalty?

Maybe Draco's mum is royalty? We know nothing of her, really.


Jul-12-2005 14:11

We do know though that Narcisse(Draco's mother) is related to Sirius.

I am definitely interested in who is the HBP. Maybe it is Draco, but maybe it could be Sirius.


Jul-12-2005 14:13

Or, it could be Dean Thomas. He is a half-blood, and we have not heard a lot about his background.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Jul-12-2005 15:32

good theories. Draco could be there. Even in one of the books-sorry I'm away from my set (help me out here:) I believe Harry said that the only way to bring down the (something bad) was if all the houses worked together.

Old Shoe

Jul-12-2005 16:12

That would be the fifth book, rock.


Jul-12-2005 19:45

Yes, another plea for no spoilers on the Sleuth message board about Half-Blood book won't arrive until Monday and I won't be able to read it until the following weekend *hates her new job for that*

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