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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-23-2004 19:49
(sticky post)

So, looking at the web logs, I know that we have players here from about 30 different countries. I just thought it would be interesting to put somes names with places.

My wife and I live in Boulder, COlorado in the U.S. Where the winter has returned for the weekend. We actually moved here pretty recently from Seattle, which is my home town.



Jun-2-2005 22:17

I am a life-long resident of Texas. That's just South of Heaven..haha!


Jun-3-2005 17:14

Carla from Kentucky

mackenzie robbin
mackenzie robbin

Jun-3-2005 19:37

Heather from California. Although soon it will be Mexico I just found out today that I have been accepted to medical school there, and since I majored in Spanish this is a perfect fit for me. Yeah!!!!!!!!! Guess I won't be playing sleuth much after July. How sad such sacrifices I will have to make. :( I have really been enjoying this game. The creator (Ben?) is a genius. :)

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

Jun-4-2005 09:04

Hi, I'm Anastasia, from the most boring city in the world, Mequon Wisconsin...mooooooooo, .....


Jun-7-2005 21:10

Hi, my name is Ekaterina, and I am from Bulgaria. Right now playing from Santa Monica, California, where I'm trying to get a degree too :)

I'd love to visit all those places you guys are from, would be real fun :))

Sir.Ewan Andrews
Sir.Ewan Andrews

Jun-8-2005 08:16

Real name- Pamela lol yeah I AM a girl playing a dude, and that's fun ;D My detective in my story is called Sir.Ewan Andrews so I was like Woo!I can use his name!
Location- Sweden ^^

kit kat
kit kat

Jun-9-2005 14:01

Hi! My name's Melissa and I'm from a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had no idea I was hanging out with people from all over the world!! Geez I feel cultured!!!! :)

John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Jun-14-2005 20:33

Well, we can't have this one getting lost. I am Michael Bagen, now living in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, and I bump thee oh thread of introductions. I should have done this much sooner.


Jun-17-2005 09:54

bump for newbies.


Jun-18-2005 06:39

I'm Mel. An attorney from NC, USA. Sleuth may end up costing me my job :-) Seems that District Attorneys and police officers don't really want a defense attorney "playing" detective in real life...Who knew?

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