Sleuth Home - Detective Daniella Jewel

Smart and Charming
6999 days
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Shady Character
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Golden Turban Black Lace Ups

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Detective Biography

I was born on a cold and stormy night in downtown Chicago. My mother had died giving birth to me, so I was to a local orphanage. I was then adopted by Clarence Jewel, a real pain in the neck. When I was 16 I ran away from the jerk, and got into the amateur detective business. I moved to downtown New York where I now am desperate for money. So here I am. 19 years old, cold, and alone. I live for adventure, but it doesn't seem to live for me. Too bad.

The young girl is gradually making a name for herself in New York.

As I stepped into The Tricky Mister Bar, she overhead a quiet vonversation.

"What'll we do with the body?"

"How am I supposed to know? You were the one that slaughtered him..."

"So now, you're blaming me are you? Why I oughta..."

"Excuse me boys, I hear you're having some problems...

"I think I can help you guys out- for a price..."

"How much?"

"However much you have."

"See, we only have $10.00...

"Thief and liar. Out of your fedora I see a $100.00 bill. Liar. The guy you guys murdered had over $6,000.00 in his waistcoat pocket. Fork it over."

Four hands gave me $8,000.000.


They gave $10,000.00 more.

"Thanks now that that's settled... every penny that goes into oyur hands will be transferred to my pocket. You work for me now. I am both your mother and your father... and remember- 3 people can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead...kapish?"


Order o Socrates:  Fair(8)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-3)
Eastern Triads:  Neutral(0)
Circle of Light:  Neutral(0)
Green Hand:  Neutral(0)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)



Arch Villains

None Caught

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