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My apologies everyone, I cheated on a SM.
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Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jun-22-2007 00:59

Well, I was chatting with a friend, and our topic diverted to FMs, since Im not really the FM kind of guy, I said I cheated on FMs except for Unread Will, Doomsayer: Prisoner and Heart of Darkness. Well lo and behold, that sparked a hostility of which I didnt know existed and it just went downhill after that. Im shaken really, as is our friendship. I didnt know this is a grave misdemeanor on the game, and I cant believe that a friendship would deteriorate over a choice that for me was a trivial decision to take. I am posting here, to offer myself in penance and so you can cast your stones at me. You call me a newb, a retard for being a new player and wanting everything handed to me on a silver platter. I am sorry you think that way, I am sorry you have to think differently of me just because of this minor mistake. I never knew or read that "Thou Shalt Not Cheat" was part of the Sleuth commandments and that anyone who strays from the path will be scolded and called names upon. I am posting here in repentance to say that I am sorry if I ever did refer to walkthroughs in doing the other Scripted Mysteries that I did.

(And again, sincerely, my apologies. Posting here is therapeutic since I can get my emotions out, and also I want to know what the other oldies think, based on our conversation, my friend said that the other older players feels the same way and would have acted in the same manner that my friend did, I want to know if this is true.)

Obviously, this hit me hard. I cant believe the hostility that I experienced, I enjoyed playing Sleuth the way I did, but now if I am going to be labelled a cheater from here on out and be shunned by the rest of the older community, well then I guess I should just leave. It pains me that sometimes people lack understanding, forgiveness, clarity and maturity.


Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-22-2007 12:04

Sir Butcher, my opinion is that your friend commits the ultimate sin of being judgemental. Life's too short and with friends like that, who needs enemies? Doesn't sound to me like s/he was much of a friend to begin with. And I resent anyone assuming my opinion or stance on a subject simply because that's how THEY feel. I hope your 'friend' reads this and crawls back into the hole s/he crawled out of.

I do recommend doing the FM's without a walkthrough. They are much more fun that way, I've done nearly all of the old ones. I will admit to getting a little hinting help from friends on a couple of the Doomsayer ones, but I prefer the challenge of doing it myself. :D


Jun-22-2007 12:35

Sir Butcher De Vei you came up the super idea of the dosier file which shows your dedication to Sleuth.

The walkthroughs are everyones choice, I'd prefer it when mine came out for there not to be one but if people want to write it that is there choice and no-one ever forces someone to use them. It's not cheating.. not grat Sleuthing either but as long as you take the time to play the SM's and enjoy them who really cares what you do to solve them.

Just make sure you play them and to all reading PM the writer if you enjoy them. Feeback is always great.

Old Shoe

Jun-22-2007 13:15

The FM guides that do exist (*blushes sheepishly*) were not created so people could just skip trying and reading the FMs and just get them over with. They were made for if you ever got stuck or couldn't figure out what to do next, that you could reference them. And if you use them that way, I don't think anyone would ever call that cheating.


Jun-22-2007 13:25

Here here Jojo! So stop worrying Sir Butcher De Vei

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-22-2007 13:57

Games have walk-throughs. Not a big deal. Some players like them and some would rather discover everything by themselves.

Scripted Mysteries or not a central part of the game advancement system. They are there to provide more varied content: for fun. That's why you can't get an FA playing one.

That said, I do recommend trying to through them on your own first. These are mysteries, so the fun should be in figuring out things for yourself.

Old Shoe

Jun-22-2007 14:40

Just adding my agreement to what's already been expressed by others here - I can't imagine anything I could care less about than whether people use walkthroughs. For sure, if I was writing them I'd want people to have a crack on their own, but honestly the people who are trying enjoy the detectivey mystery-solving aspect of them and take that seriously would probably be doing that anyways.

I'd like to invite your critic to come forward and explain why he or she feels justified in making claims on behalf of the rest of us and making you feel that bad over something so trivial. That I kinda have a problem with :)

Coco Axton
Coco Axton
Old Shoe

Jun-22-2007 19:27

I guess I'm confused about one thing on this thread. If this was an argument between Butcher and his friend... why is one side of this being discussed on a public board? Seems like things should be able to be handled privately as the conversation obviously was private. There are always 2 sides to every story and it just seems to me before we bring out the lynch mobs, maybe we should understand that.

Just my humble opinion. :)

Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jun-22-2007 19:55

Thanks. I do FMs because of the story. I got Unread Will after the 2nd try, Doomsayer: Prisoner on the first try (was fairly very easy =)) and did like 8 or 9 tries on Heart of Darkness, maybe it was because I didnt have all the Charm skills yet. That was when I decided to use a walkthrough, because at that time I was very intrigued by the story, and the solving aspect of it, was costing me time and turns. I wanted to read the whole story like a book from beginning to end and not be sidetracked into other directions. A choice that I made, and a choice that I didnt know would be an issue for anyone else.

Thanks as well for the constructive comments. I also believe that FMs should be completed for one to enjoy its full potential. But sometimes, people that have other interest, time constraints, etc... might also feel the need for walkthroughs, and their decision to use one wont be reason for them to be deemed less appealing in the Community.

I vehemently apologize Coco for the thread, my reason for it was because I was a bit shot up after it happened, and he/she kept telling me it was how the oldies think. To have that moment degrade so fast into something ugly affects me because Ive always strived to be decent, understanding and fair to other people both offline and online. I didnt want dirty laundry (though it seems its that -.-) but rather a concensus of what oldies think. Also, I was really on the verge of leaving not intending to come back. (Thanks as well to your comments and advice on staying, you all deserve cookies!)

(On another public note, sorry if I called you an ogre. Lol. But I only said that because you called me newb in a derogatory fashion, retard and dork. >.<) I still luv yah. =) *offers hand in reconciliation*

Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jun-22-2007 20:20

Issue is resolved. No one wants more drama.

*Ties an elephant with a rope and throws it in the sea*

ANCHORS AWAAAAYYYY!!!!!! Lol, let this thread sink to the bottom of the sea until Jack Sparrow comes back with PotC 4.

Jack Sparrow:
If you choose to lock your heart away you'll lose her for certain
We must fight, to run away!
Me? I'm dishonest. And an honest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to be doing something incredibly stupid.
Yes I lied to you. No I don't love you. Of course it makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels. It's pronounced egregious. I've never met Pizarro. But I do love his pies. And all this pales alongside the fact that my ship is now once again gone. Savvy?

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