quarterly round townie deletion
mary glass
Sep-16-2006 10:24
there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close...might i suggest quarterly rounds where the townies are
deleted for all...the older players would still have the advantage of
money, experience points, general knowledge of the game but the
quarterly deletion of townies ( all players having to reacquire the
townie favors every 90 days ) would make the game more competitive among all players and add some challenge every 90
days for the older players...
Replies |
Sep-16-2006 13:19
1. There is ALREADY a lot of "dice rolling" in this game. You don't know what favor you are going to get or when, you don't know if the case will have PE that you can use your contact for, you don't know if the case will have faction rammifications, you don't know if you will get pirated on your way to the next city. We do not need to be loosing something we worked hard to get (in some cases, again, in others, is easier)
2. The implication here is that there is no way for newer detectives to win. The REALITY is that the gap is nota all "too hard to close" You will notice that after some point, it really does not make a whole lot of difference in game play of you have 3 million or 13 million xp. It is about team work and dedication!
Lucky Stiff
Sep-16-2006 13:38
Well said Andrea :)
Battered Shoe
Sep-16-2006 13:38
I guess the only thing to say is that if the game isn't chaotic enough for some people, perhaps they'd be happier playing something more up their alley.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Sep-16-2006 13:48
Whilst I respect your idea and opinions Mary I'm afraid I completely disagree with them.
You say there is to much of a gap between older and newer detectives for them to compete well this is not true. Newer detectives and agencies can compete in treasure hunts and win especially now since so many of the older detectives are competing in Villain hunts. Newer detectives can soon build exp up as well in a good agency because most agencies put a lot of effort in to helping there new recruits do this. Also don't forget the older agencies were new at one point and had to go through the same thing of building money, exp, equipment and size up. One day the new agencies will be as big if not bigger than the older agencies.
Please don't forget either that there are many risks which both old and new detectives have to take. The risk of 3 FA's which just recently a couple of the older detectives have had to endure can cost literally eveything. Also the the risk of being pirated, several detctives have already lost lots of cases and money because of this.
To say there is too much of a gap between everyone one is completely unjust. People just need to have patience and work hard then they to will have everything an older detective has.
Sorry that I've rambled on a bit everyone but when I get on a role I find it hard to stop oops :)
Sep-16-2006 13:58
Looks like your suggestion has grown arms and legs since you first put it forward Mary but there is something I’d like to clarify if I may.
Your opening suggestion implies you feel the routine loss of contacts would benefit newer players, who are currently struggling to compete with more established players/agencies. I’d be interested to hear how you feel the newer players are disadvantaged, other than a lack of skills, money and game knowledge (all things that come with time and dedication).
The loss of hard won contacts would, to my mind, simply hinder new players further still. The detectives who (I think) you hope to constrain with this will generally have earned sufficient skills to enable them to solve cases without a contact, whilst those you hope to help won’t have that advantage.
Would it really be the thing to make all the non subscribed players sit up and subscribe? If so then it’s a move I’d be prepared to accept but I’ve yet to read anything here to convince me it’ll perform that wonder.
I take your word on it working for other games, but as Serges so eloquently put: sleuth is simply not like other games. It was this uniqueness that first attracted me and is what keeps me here still.
I think Serges idea of an intermittent opportunity to swap contacts would be more suited to meet your objective of helping new players compete, as it would give younger agencies a helping hand in getting a full complement of contacts as they grow.
Sep-16-2006 14:19
I disagree with losing contacts. It may seem to new detectives, that agencies have an advantage, but actually that is not really true.
Usually agencies have to work hard to recruit agents that have the right contacts. With all the equipment stealing and non player activity, that is not an easy task. Also, some agencies, like mine, do not recruit based on contacts, we recruit based on player activity.
Also, sometimes, players become inactive for long periods of time, so alot of directors, are left trying to check PE cases with many agents - which is very time consuming and tiring.
Lastly, the treasure hunts are very random. So, even if your agency has all the contacts, there is no guarantee that you will get the favor needed for a hunt. Even when the required favor is received, you still may have a case that does not use the PE contact you have.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Sep-16-2006 14:40
I dont like the idea of losing my contacts after so many days, and having to work again, gaining them. It is not my problem if new ones coming up, are having trouble gaining a contact or just are plain lazy and dont want to work and put the time in, to get the contact. I like it how it is now, and I hope it never changes. I:)
shell marple
Con Artist
Sep-16-2006 15:30
"there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close."
I wonder how some of the seasoned detectives would feel about that statement seeing as they already have surpassed many older detectives, myself included.
Agatha Misty
Old Shoe
Sep-16-2006 15:53
Hey Mary hope the drink is good!
Gedds has said what I was thinking, the detectives who you may hope to constrain will generally have earned the skills and the knowledge to solve cases.
As for the die rolling, I may have a Calligraphist contact in Shanghai but I may also have more than half my cases that he cant help me with and some tight liped suspects. All I can count on is experience in solving cases and that comes with solving loads of cases and learning how to.