The First Annual Sleuth Mystery Fiction Contest
Lucian Ty
Jun-7-2006 16:32
OK, we've had a Biography Contest. We've had a Beauty Pageant. Why not write our own mystery fiction?
Listen up everyone! Starting today, all detectives here in Sleuth are now entitled to participate in the First Annual Sleuth Mystery Fiction Contest! The rules are simple: create a good mystery story, submit it before the deadline, and wait. Three/four judges (including myself) will judge the entries, and the winner will be announced on either June 19th or 20th (the date still needs to be confirmed).
>>The story itself needs some specific components. First, it needs to be a mystery story. Second, it MUST include your detective as the sleuth. Suspects - you can have as many as you want, and their names should "reflect" the city your story takes place. You MUST choose one of the four Sleuth cities (New York, London, Shanghai, Delhi) as a setting. The minimum number of words should be at least 750. Maximum is up to you, but nothing too long. The murderer's identity should definatly be revealed in the end. Clues should be innovative and must point to the killer. Victim must die in an "old-fashioned" way (i.e stabbing, poisoning, strangling etc.). Victim should be included in the story in some way. The title must be appealing an appropriate for your piece of fiction. You CANNOT plagiarize a plot from a book, nor can you plagiarize a title. Not even one of the Featured Mysteries. Any questions concerning the outline of your fiction can be directed to me with PM.
>>Submission deadline is June 18th. No submissions can be accepted after that date.
>>PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ENTRIES TO THE FOLLOWING E-MAIL ADDRESS: mystery_submissions@hotmail.com Include your detective name, entry, and number of words used. If we have accepted your entry into the contest, we will send your confirmation by e-mail, or PM. If not, we will send you an e-mail or PM telling you this and explaining why it wasn't accepted.
Replies |
Lucian Ty
Jun-15-2006 14:16
I've sent copies to Lady Emerald Devon, Rosamund Clifford, and Serena Siren to read over and judge for themselves...
Congratulations on being the first entry in!
AZN Cinderella
Jun-15-2006 18:23
I doubt that I'll win. After all, I'm only 13. I still have the honors of being the first one in though!
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2006 01:42
...and you're due congrats for that!
Don't sell yourself short though...didn't we have someone called like Madam Giray or something a while back who was 12 and won some contest? I might be wrong but I think so...*scratches head*
Safety Officer
Jun-16-2006 02:34
I second the e-motion Cinders! You've put yourself out there in Sleuthville and that's more than most of us do :) I look forward to reading your story when the judges release them.
Reese Withers
Jun-16-2006 06:49
Keep positive Cinderella :) So, u are only 13.... you can write as good as anyone out there, so never sell yourself short ;) Good luck in the contest!! :o)
AZN Cinderella
Jun-16-2006 09:27
That's so nice of ya'll! Thanks! :)
Lucian Ty
Jun-16-2006 13:48
OK, we have until Sunday. So far, AZN Cinderella's entry is the only one in the competition...
If no one sends in an entry between now and Sunday, AZN Cinderella will win the contest.
Any more out there?
Jack Hartman
Jun-17-2006 04:44
I can guarantee at this point that I won't be able to get the story done by Sunday. My next 3-5 days are chock-full of 10 hour work shifts, and I've got the flu on top of it, so it's just come to be that the 10 days is just too short a time to get it written up when it has to contend with work and other commitments.
A question, though: is there any real reason we can't extend the submission deadline a good bit? I know you've said earlier that you're busy at the end of June, Lucian, but above all, isn't it more important for this /annual/ contest (meaning it will take us another 12 months to have a shot at another one) that we make sure there's a contest in the first place, worrying about the judging once there's actually something to judge? A couple of people in this thread have been prevented or dissuaded from submitting a story due to the 10 day timeframe, and I won't be able to get mine done by the 18th either, which makes 3 people who have (publically) dropped from the competition because of the short deadline.
Not sure if I'd be able to get mine done even with an extension, given my schedule in the coming week or two, but I still think it'd be good to give some other people a chance to really add some competition to this... competition. ;)
Jack Hartman
Jun-17-2006 04:45
Oh lord. Why didn't my paragraphing work? That's one horrendous-looking chunk of text. Sorry folks. :P
Rhiemma Moon
Jun-17-2006 09:27
I"m writing as fast as I can and time will allow. *smile*