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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Bridget Bard
Bridget Bard

Jun-9-2008 01:23


Why is VS bumping into things? (And why can't Bridget type correctly at 3:30 am?)


Jul-11-2008 10:56

Because it's daytime and because well ,you can't type.

Why is the archaeologist in Cairo a numbskull?


Jul-13-2008 19:37

I have no idea, but have you seen Indiana Jones lately? That's one archaeologist who needs a trip to the spa.

How does a dog learn to understand French but read mystery novels in English?

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jul-13-2008 21:28

Silly RaeRaeRaeRaeRaeRae, that mutt can't read English, that's why he gave that novel away.

Why is there a Bank Vault in Cairo if there are no treasure hunts there?

Pinball Amateur

Jul-13-2008 22:17

Where d'you think the pirates stick all their cash they get from us, anyway?? ;-)

Why does the tiger seem to like my fingers better than her dinner?? (I'm runnin' outta digits here.... :-.)

Lucky Stiff

Jul-14-2008 04:57

Perhaps you oughta change brands, Breit... ;)

What's in cat food, anyway?


Jul-14-2008 10:36

The stuff they find on the docks and then they smoosh it all together and stick it in a can that you can secretly get from the waitress in New York.

How come I can't get a favor from the Captain on the cruise ship?


Jul-14-2008 11:04

He only likes his ladies with peg legs.

Why do I keep falling in love with my clients?

Lucky Stiff

Jul-14-2008 23:00

Well they're the one paying your wage, duh! :P

Why can't I pickpocket my client after they've paid me? After all, a skill like that could be sooo much more useful than it is now...

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jul-15-2008 07:27

Well... you could, but it's been my experience that the only things clients keep in their pockets (other than the exact change for your reward) are mousetraps and rusty nails. Good Luck!!

Why can I negotiate with pirates to allow an entire ship's worth of booty continue on to it's destination but can't convince them to let me carry a single spoon out of the catacombs?

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