Sleuth Home - Detective Bridget Bard

Smart and Charming
6186 days
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Secret #2
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Completed Missions

  • Packages Delivered: 19
  • Overdue Books Returned: 22
  • Nemeses Captured: 0
  • Secret Plans Revealed: 0
  • Artifacts Unearthed: 2
  • Journal Pages Found: 0
  • Brass Rings Won: 0

Detective Biography

Bridget spent years as a journalist in New York, stuck writing for the Society pages while, behind the scenes, she helped out the hard news investigative reporters. Then she stumbled onto a big story--one evening while covering a big society wedding reception, she overheard a city councilman discussing bribes and blackmail with a union boss. Finally, she could write the story that would get her off the debutante party circuit!

She spent the night researching that union's ties to various city construction projects, finding multiple instances of the city awarding contracts to various "friends" of the union boss rather than to the lowest bidder. First thing in the morning, she took the story to her editor-in-chief, only to be told that she didn't have enough info to merit further pursuit. After a tense "discussion," she was told to go back to writing up engagement blurbs. That evening, Bridget seriously reconsidered her future in journalism over a warm glass of something vaguely alcoholic at the speak-easy a few blocks from her apartment.

Three days later, the paper ran a headline blowing the union bribery scandal into the open, with the paper's star male reporter given credit for uncovering the corruption. When Bridget went to her editor, he told her to keep her mouth shut about who really uncovered the story or the paper would sue her. After "accidentally" knocking the editor's coffee into his lap, she resigned.

A round of phone calls to the other city papers revealed more perfidy on the part of her editor: she had been blacklisted. No one in journalism would hire her, not even for obituaries.

After spending a night walking the city, Bridget evaluated her bank account and her need to find interesting work that took her abilities seriously and offered decent pay. While going through her bankbook, bills, and other correspondence, she rediscovered a postcard from a cousin just outside London, inviting her for a holiday. Hmm, thought Bridget, maybe London will offer a new start....

Current AV Hunt clues:



Order o Socrates:  Poor(-2)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Fair(9)
Eastern Triads:  Fair(1)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-3)
Green Hand:  Poor(-2)
The Tea Steepers:  Great(90)
Shangri La Tigers:  Terrible(-90)


Music Teacher (New York)
Shoe Maker (New York)
Fortune Teller (London)
Barber (London)
Fish Monger (Shanghai)
Calligraphist (Shanghai)
Holy Man (Delhi)
Podiatrist (Delhi)
Barber (Cairo)
Pianist (Sleuthetania)

Arch Villains

Baron Godfrey Stone

Sir Otto von Schneider

Doctor Ming Moriarty

Sir Dragutan Musgrave

Count Augustus von Wrath

Count Vincent Drake

Captain Isabella Stone

Madame Drusilla Moriarty

Professor Karl Wanstrath

Professor Carmen Minx

Otto "Monkey Face" Drake

Books Collected

Secret Adversary
Agatha Christie

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventure of the Empty House
Arthur Conan Doyle

Martin Hewitt, Investigator
Arthur Morrison

The Mystery of Marie Roget
Edgar Allan Poe

A History of Indian Philosophy
Surendranath Dasgupta

The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins