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Enough is Enough
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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Feb-23-2007 22:10

I am tired of Ben not doing anything about people who lie, cheat, and steal in this game. Ben gives people to many chances. People need to be banned. How many more agencies must suffer the consequences of having rogue detectives join, take sign on bonuses, loot lockers, steal money from safe accounts, and then leave to repeat the process before the administration takes action? Chronestrian left this site for a reason, and I spoke to him shortly before he quit. I honestly told him that the site was not going to change and that people would continue to abuse the system without any fear of punishment. Enough is enough. I call upon the denizens of Slueth to support my referendum. Ben must take action against repeat offenders.


Lucky Stiff

Feb-23-2007 22:50

I see all your points, but we've been BUTCHERING this kid on the recruitment thread, and if you don't research the newbies, you're just asking for it. That's why we have the director's board, and why we have the lines of communication open between all of us. He was PMing me earlier based on some of my comments on his recruitment posts, and I warned him that he was lucky to have gotten into Blood and Dagger and that he would have severe consequences if he screwed with them.

How much does this kid have to do before we all just tell him to f*%$ off!

I know I already have...

(this is Biggie btw for those of you that don't know my double)

Old Shoe

Feb-23-2007 22:54

I hate to say it... but at this point, you almost deserve getting robbed if you have ignored the warning signs; or at least you give up the right to complain about it.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-23-2007 23:04

Ok so i see everyones point about the having the tools to do it ourselves, and i understand how people would therefore say 'its your own fault he stole' but still, you cant say that its right what he's done.

To be fair not everyone reads the boards or try to avoid them for various reason so i can understand why certain people haven't seen all the bad comments about him in the recruiting thread.

*hopes she doesn't get slapped for this*

Whilst there may not have been complaints officially made to ben or sunny i am sure both read the boards and must therefore have had some understanding of what has been going on. Also not everyone knows what to do when they want to complain there is no official stance on that as far as i know. Some people may think that complaining on the boards is an official complaint.

Why should he be allowed to stay in the game. OK so we can all blacklist him fine. But what if he startes a new agency up and recruits new people who have no understanding of what has happened. It's not fair on us and it's not fair on them.

Ok i'm done rambling for now :)

Old Shoe

Feb-23-2007 23:08

To be specific on that... myself and others sent SPECIFIC warnings to those taking him in or considering it.

Now that's just ignoring common sense?

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

Feb-24-2007 00:27

Wow! I haven't been on this site for about 10 months. I see it has'nt changed. This thread is the reason why good detectives leave.

A quick shout out to Blue, Em, Bella, Calalta, Chilli, CFM,and anyone else ever associated with Black Swan. You too Jojo! lol


Feb-24-2007 02:11

The real problem is that there is a lot of agencies hiring and not so much newbies to recruit.
Offering opennely sign on bonus .... (thing that most of us can afford) just attract doubtfull detectives, who like easy money.
I my mind, it's quite ridiculous, as joinnig an agency is already a good opportunity.
And if the agency is an old, well established and active one, newbies should just kill to join them.


Feb-24-2007 02:59

I agree with Neritine. That is why I never offer a bonus for joining FK. Also we keep newbies as rookie for a while. We tell them that when we recruit them. It will scare most of the thiefs, cause they will have to work for a while before they get promoted.
Still we had some cases of theft in the past. But we survived.

Everytime this happens someone is screaming for Ben. I dont agree that Ben or Sunny need to do anything about it. This is a game! bad ppl will come and go and even if you were robbed, you can rebuild.
Ben and Sunny are just the creators. Not our mommy, Dady and police force.
We have some tools, like putting stuff in officers/director locker. Or strating someone as rookie.
We are also warning eachother when we have trouble. I know I warned several agencies about this guy in PMs.

Some agencies didnt read the board. Well, Ben and Sunny also dont read everything. So why blame them for not noticing this?

Take responsibilities! And be ready for hard times that comes with having an agency. Its part of the game! Solve your own problems and help eachother. But dont expect Ben to fix every mess.

*waiting for the hate mail*

Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

Feb-24-2007 04:00

I'll guarantee you some hate mail, reda, by seconding your motion. If we can't police our own individual agencies, we'll just let Ben handle 40 or 50 instead. For the number of bios purporting to be tough with razor-sharp crime-solving minds, it doesn't sound like back doors are even being locked.

The game being built here is incredible, and I've precious few problems with the game itself. And individuals who commit "crimes" in here have never given me trouble, either.

It's always been the deafening din of moral outrage in the boards that's turned me off, and why I've followed my friend to another game. Like the thread says, enough is enough.


Feb-24-2007 04:09

Maybe a well placed warning about shady could also help a lot.
"Also if you have the feelling that you can manage shady cost, he is REALLY out off price. Nobody will NEVER be able to manage him because he is THE shady. So just avoid false accuse AT ANY COST".

Battered Shoe

Feb-24-2007 05:30

Damn. I noticed that B&D had hired him and made him agent, but I figured that they already knew about what happened, from all the drama on the boards, and had worked something out with them. I'd thought of PMing Chelsea but figured she knew what she was doing. I very much regret that decision now.

That being said, I am in agreement that the game has mechanisms in place to minimize this sort of thing. At SMRT we don't promote rookies for about a week or so, and we tell them that from the start--they have to earn our trust before they become agent. We also check the references over at the Director's Lounge before hiring anyone, to make sure there isn't a note about them. If Ben & Sunny haven't recieved a complaint, then exactly what can they do? Werber has defrauded what, 4 agencies now, and no one has complained? Ben can, and has, banned players before, based on complaints about their behaviour.

I'm really sorry for the loss of equipment, money, and trust. But it might be time for the agencies affected to review their hiring/promotion policies.

Also it would be nice to see werber out on his bony ass.

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