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Is sleuth slow ?
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shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Mar-30-2006 14:29

I have broadband and for the past 6 days it feels like I have dial up.
Anyone else having this problem? I think it has to do with the number of people playing at one time. One Saturday there where 97 people logged on. That's alot.


Old Shoe

Mar-30-2006 19:48

Maybe there should be a limit for them?

Like 10-15?

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Mar-30-2006 23:27

I doubt if the PMs are a major contributer to the degraded performance. The amount of resources taken up by those saved messages is pretty minimal compared to all the other data stored on the servers.

I'm not sure what the root causes of the problem are, but it is definitely exascerbated by high user load.

Georgia Peach
Georgia Peach
Lucky Stiff

Mar-31-2006 02:01

Yeah, I noticed that instead of 20-25 detectives online, Sleuth now has 45-50 detectives online.


Apr-3-2006 03:16

the server crashed yesterday :(
i think.

Old Shoe

Apr-6-2006 01:04

I've noticed it too...i figured it was just my comp acting cranky so I'm pretty glad to see this thread.

Let's call it a boo for slowness and a woot for sleuth's popularity


Apr-12-2006 20:06

*bumps for Duncan Mcleod*


Apr-13-2006 04:00

I didn't log in for over a week.....did it reduce the load at all?



Apr-14-2006 09:28

i had wanted to ask for equipment info on "greendhand", "circle of light" and "eastern traid" on this post. but now i am so piss off about the slow download speed in this game. i would really like to ask: is the game having so much users that it is too much for the server to handle??? i had click to sell a equipment from a favor which cost $4800. the site simply hang there! i had no choice but to close my browser. not sure whether i get the money. i dont really bother about it but the slow speed is really getting on my nerve. this is a text base game so the speed is really unacceptable.


Apr-14-2006 09:41

I too am having problems with the slowness. It is so slow that I don't even want to work on cases because it takes so long to do just one.

Any news on when we can expect this to get better?


Apr-14-2006 13:31

Hurray for slow server speed! It brought Delvin back out of the shadows!!!

*grins and ducks before he throws something at her*

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