Suggestion Box
Sep-19-2005 20:32
There are always lots of suggestions about the game flying around, to the point where I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a new section of the message board just for suggestions?
In which case, it could be called "Suggestion Box?" ; )
But it might not be the best idea....things work pretty well as they are, I think.
What I have observed is that most ideas get kicked around pretty well here in sleuth talk, with different permutations and ramifications threshed out. Good ideas get implemented or get dragged up again after a while when they haven't been implemented and people still hanker after them -- or suggested over again by someone new.
I think all of that is a productive process.
Personally, when I REALLY want to make a suggestion that I think Ben will eventually read, I post it on the thread in Game Announcements where he asks for input, things we think will make the game more fun."
Anyway, anyone with suggestions, or suggestions about suggestions, feel free to post here. OR if you start a new thread about it, please post it with a specific title!
Replies |
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Sep-11-2016 08:58
Since the sleuth Olympics, I've been wondering if it could be possible to add a scavenger hunt feature to the game. Maybe use the detective shop as the place to enter the contest, and then have lockers there for individuals or teams to store the items in. At the end of the hunt the detective shop automatically pays you the value of your stored items, and the winner gets a monetary reward as well.
It could be set up for individual competition or maybe create teams of two or three players.
Sep-11-2016 10:17
That would be fun Sultry :-)
Sep-11-2016 11:15
Oh, I like that idea!
Safety Officer
Sep-11-2016 17:30
I like the idea of having a 'challenge section' of some kind. Shades has Showdowns where players are thrown into their version of a time-limited AI case and the first person to finish wins and scores points. It has a chat room so players can hang out and organise themselves. But I can imagine a similar system working for Villain Hunts or randomly generated Scavenger Hunt (where an item found is tracked somehow).
Sophie Fine
Freedom Fighter
Sep-11-2016 20:17
This was probably mentioned elsewhere but since I don't feel like searching, just thought I'd mention this....
You know how when you successfully finish a favor and you can send one of your existing items to the agency equipment locker if you exchange the item?
We should be able to do that in Shangri La treasury! Same for sending items to the apartment. It sucks up a huge amount of cases to go there and I don't want to sell the goodies I'm wearing.
Sep-12-2016 02:16
That sounds like a good idea Sophie - I think there could be a way to implement an option to send it to either the Tigers or the Tea Steepers and then you don't have to travel. But then again, you do gotta travel to them to know what next item you gotta deliver, so...
Maybe we could think of reducing the traveling to Shangri-La to 3 cases max?
Sep-12-2016 11:42
I would like to travel to Shangri La to collect my reward and not having to travel first to my HQ or apartment to drop off my gear first.
Sep-12-2016 13:15
I'd like a boat (i'll even pay for one) so i can get off the Sleuthania whenever I want. It can even take me to a random city if that's what it takes.
Sep-12-2016 16:43
I would like a submarine that could take me to the sunken city of Sleuthlantis. It's rumored that a treasure of great value is hidden there and that all the factions show great interest in finding it.
Safety Officer
Sep-12-2016 17:20
Read my mind Badass. I was just commenting to someone the other day how Atlantis would be my preferred holiday destination for Sleuthville. A sister city to Shangri La. Do THIS Ben/Yeti. That or a steampunk London underworld. :)