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Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-19-2005 17:38

<Jake Fenton slammed the door lazily behind him and poured himself a bourbon. No ice. Rather too casually, he slung his jacket and shoulder holster down on the cot in the corner of the room, and slumped tiredly into his chair.

Almost by instinct, he reached to the breast pocket of his shirt and brought a cigar up to his mouth. He chewed off the ends and spat them onto the floor, where the detritus of the last few busy days had been building. What the heck, it was somewhere to lay his head.

His expert fingers flipped the zippo alight, and casually tossed it in the air to light the cigar, before catching and closing it in one movement. He took a sip of the burning liquor, and turned to gaze out of the window at the rain-sodden streets, below. The streets teemed with people, covering their heads with newspaper as they scurry their way home to their wives or off to their mistresses. He found himself idly wondering who they all are, what they all do... What makes them tick...



Aug-27-2005 19:13

"Milton!" he cried as he burst open the doors to the Everlasting Sole. "I gotta talk to you! People think I'm a criminal, and Shady's..."

He stopped suddenly as an evil chuckle began to engulf the room. The man who Lemony thought was Milton was no more than an imposter. The dark man turned around slowly and continued laughing his horrid laugh. The only light illuminating his face was that from a lit cigarette. Lemony gasped at the sight of the man he recognised all too well.

"Shady..." he growled. Shades let out another triumphant laugh as he approached the detective. "That's what I made you and the others think." he replied with a sneer. "But really, I'm not that Shady Character in the Back." He lowered his head, eyes still locked on Shepard. "My name is Lenny Shepram!"

Lemony bared his teeth in anger as Lenny continued laughing. "Shady was an old friend of mine, back when we lived in Detroit. We used to cause all sorts of mayhem up there...until Shades decided to move to New York, leaving his pettiful muck of a past behind. Well, I came looking for him about a year ago and decided that one day I would pay him back! But, alas, I found you instead, detective!"

Lemony formed a fist as he asked, "Why did you frame me??" Lenny smiled, closing his eyes. "Because, coincidently, your code name is almost exactly like my real name. What better way to escape the police than to frame my crimes on a newbie private eye such as yourself?"

"You won't get away with this!" Shepard cried. "Your type never does!" Shepram simply continued smiling and spit out his cigarette.

"Oh, you poor misguided detective." he said cooly. "I already have." And with that, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and strapped one to Lemony's wrist. The other he tied to a nearby support beam. He let out a laugh once again.

"You're "friends" will eventually find you here, as the building burns around you, and will cheer for your death! After all..." he said leaving the building. "Who like


Aug-27-2005 19:15

"Oh, you poor misguided detective." he said cooly. "I already have." And with that, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and strapped one to Lemony's wrist. The other he tied to a nearby support beam. He let out a laugh once again.

"You're "friends" will eventually find you here, as the building burns around you, and will cheer for your death!" He turned around and looked at the cigarette, which had already ignited some nearby hay on fire. He then began to leave the doomed shop.

"After all," he said right before locking the door shut. "Nobody likes a criminal!"


Aug-27-2005 19:16

(ooc) hmm i messed up a tad there, but you get the idea!

Madame Giry
Madame Giry

Aug-27-2005 20:01

"Or do they?", cried Daniella. "What the fu** are you doing here?", cried Lenny. "Well Lenny, you might think that I'm just a charming little detective. But you forgot something. I'm charming and smart. You see, I understood after reading the newspaper that not even an idiot would create an alias so close to their real name. After I knew that cfm was sent away, it was obvious to me that you knew she knew what you were up to. But you had to finish your plan before she came. You knew a big fact about her. She would miss a case for her agency. But you forgot one important thing. See, cfm enjoys helping the newbies. She is like a surrogate mother. The other important fact you forgot... she'd never leave a newbie behind." "FREEZE!", screamed cfm, jumping from behind the counter. "Get him boys.", she whispered, and the good for nothing cops were actually, finally good for something. An arrest. "Wait just a minute.", said Daniella. She rushed to Lenny, and pulled $687,000.00 from his pocket. "Um boys, where's Milton?" "Don't rob a poor shoemaker before you meet me. It's just asking for trouble. And everyone knows how I'm an expert on that..."

ooc: Let's keep the thread going with more crime to defeat!

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-27-2005 23:04

Jake woke at seven. He groaned and cursed his rotten luck. In the space of one day, he'd had one guy mess up a hot lead for him and then clobber him with an umbrella just when he could save his scrawny neck. And then to cap things off he'd had his second chance at scoring some dough snaked away from him by Giry. Shepard he could owe one to, and Giry... he'd be checking over his shoulder for her from now on, too.

Clearly, no matter how close he had been to scoring he had failed in the LemonyShepard investigation, but there was no point dwelling on the past. Just had to stay professional and go back to square one - Angela Caban was his only link to CFM.

Jake splashed cold water on his face and got dressed before heading over to the music teacher's house. He was lucky, she wasn't busy on a Saturday. Jake knocked on the door, and took his cap off as Angela opened the door. He introduced himself, and explained the meaning of that note he'd sent her two days ago. It seemed the heat was off her now, he hadn't seen any of Mojo's guys around for a while, but she nonetheless deserved an apology.

It didn't take long for him to get something on CFM, either. Quite a celebrity round these parts, she was always caught up in some intrigue. Jake wasn't surprised. Amanda continued breathlessly, "It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't round here so much, but she's a real music-lover. She's got lovely hands, she should play piano, and she's got a charming singing voice as well... Somehow I think she's only uses it to get information out of me, she knows I'll always get blabbery when I hear a beautiful melody".

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-27-2005 23:05

Jake thought it wouldn't take much to make her blabbery, she was singing like a bird. Apparently she'd been involved with the Mojo Jojo agency a while back, when she was implicated in the death of one of her students. She wasn't sure if it was more business or more extortion they were after. Either way, she didn't know or wouldn't say where I would find CFM. It seemed some were better than him at keeping their addresses private, and he was getting kinda low on funds.

Jake politely made his exit, satisfied that he'd got all he could from her. It was a slow, ponderous walk into the glitzy part of town while he considered what to do. As he wandered along Broadway he absent-mindedly collected a flyer from the sandwich board guy he'd wandered a little too close to and glanced over it. It was for a new production of HMS Pinafore opening at the Bullmore Hall that night. He didn't really have time for it right now, but some time out was appealing. Besides, he could never totally switch off. And, tenuous as it was, 'music' was about the only thing he had right now... Yes, he decided. "Nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure this time... Just hope the opera's good" he thought with a wry, cynical smile. Jake returned home. The performance was in a few hours time, so he fixed himself another coffee and started to get himself ready for what he expected, and secretly hoped, would be an uneventful evening.


Aug-28-2005 00:47

She tilted her head back against the pool wall as the water lapped at her shoulders and neck, the light of the waxing moon reflecting off the surface and glimmering on her moistened skin. She hummed softly to herself as she reflected on the events of the past few days. She had been relieved when the telegram had arrived telling her the hunt had moved to New York. It meant she’d been able to help put Shady’s old colleague behind bars, too bad the man himself couldn’t be implicated in the matter. She’d made a formidable enemy with a man she might need someday.

She took a deep breath, parted the water with her hands and dove beneath the surface in a smooth arch, letting the weight of her legs above the water push her to the bottom quickly. She kicked along the floor of the pool, following the gentle slope to the deepened, her mind still ticking away. Where Fenton had wandered off too, she wondered. She hadn’t seen him since the dance. There was something about that man that intrigued her, but she wasn’t so sure she could trust him.

Her lungs began to burn as she reached the fifteen foot depth at the end of the pool. Curling her legs beneath her she sprang to the surface, a swift rush of water pouring from her head…down her face and back. She gasped for breath with satisfaction. The water was her refuge, and after the arduous day she’d had, she needed its calming embrace. While she wasn’t certain she wanted to leave tranquility of her pool, she found that the lure of the new Opera in town was appealing enough to keep her skin from wrinkling. She hadn’t stayed long at the party and she couldn’t let the lovely dress Thaddeus had made for her go completely to waste. Besides, it was the love story of a Sea Princess, a captain’s daughter in love with a man she couldn’t have and promised to a man she didn’t want. The magic of water and music combined would afford her twice the pleasure and relaxation, or so she hoped.


Aug-28-2005 00:48

Half an hour later she was sparkling in the cobalt dress, a light scent of chlorine drifting from her skin, her neck still adorned with her ever present choker, and standing in the lobby of the Bullmore Hall Opera House across town. People, always people, everywhere in New York, people. Climbing the plush stair well to the balcony she realized she how much she missed Delhi, even if she was have an adventurous time here in New York. She smiled a greeting to some forgotten client and hoped that the rest of her evening would be far less animated than the past two or three.


Aug-28-2005 00:54

((wonders when she'll learn to stop writing when she should be sleeping....))

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-28-2005 02:14

Jake took his seat in the stalls ten minutes before curtain. The sleek opera glasses he took from his breast pocket were good for him to see all around the floor, and the hall was steadily filling, but and he was pretty sure nobody important was around. Nobody he recognised at any rate.

Still bothered by impatience, he settled down as the curtain rose on the opening act. He found it hard to concentrate on the operetta when the rent was due and there were questions unanswered. "Shoulda gone in the cheap seats up top," he muttered to himself. The balcony was like a big red velvet gum, with dark little audience-head teeth sticking up into a black mouth. There was no recognising anybody up there.

Jake took a sip from his beer, and let the unaccustomed comfort of the seat support his tired back, and laid his arms on the rests either side of him. It was a light comedy with the inevitable romantic interest, but the satire running through the characterisation wasn't lost on him either. "A British tar is a soaring soul, as free as a mountain bird. His energetic fist should be ready to resist a dictatorial word..." - He was going to be whistling this little hornpipe for weeks yet, he found himself thinking - "...His eyes should flash and his breast protrude, and this should be his customary attitude!"

The curtain came down on the first half to enthusiastic applause. And he had to admit, he was enjoying letting his guard down. He felt a strange freedom not knowing what was around the corner and just for tonight he didn't care. If anybody out there was looking for him, he'd be propping up the bar. Jake was looking forward to the second act.

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