Daily Vocabulary Quiz
Blaise Joshua
Jun-7-2005 23:57
OK ... as there are so many readers and writers here, we'll see if this is popular ...
I'll post a list of dictionary definitions and see if you can provide the word. I'll try to balance between making it too hard and making it interesting. I'll try and make it so that, even if you don't one right, you'll at least have heard the word before. For each quiz, all answers will begin with the same letter:
Replies |
Jun-13-2005 16:02
Blaise - Just thought you should know...I'm really addicted to this now...using my brain feels kinda good...It's all your fault :)
Con Artist
Jun-13-2005 16:31
Markie P
Jun-13-2005 18:25
Jun-13-2005 19:45
LuVeLy K
Jun-13-2005 23:02
mackenzie robbin
Jun-14-2005 00:29
1.) magi?
Blaise Joshua
Jun-14-2005 02:48
Hoorah for Luvely K - the correct answer was 'mahatma'. I'm just glad to have finally found a word that gave you all a bit of difficulty!
I'm glad you like it Envy - it's quite a bit of sun for me too. I wonder if we'll get all the way to 'Z'? : o )
Blaise Joshua
Jun-14-2005 02:48
*fun (it's not helping my typing skills though!)
Blaise Joshua
Jun-14-2005 02:50
OK ... Tuesday's words ...
All answers beginning with 'N':
1)adj. coming into being.
2)adj. extremely wicked: villainous.
3)n. undue patronage to one’s relations.
4)n. a record of the events or thoughts of night.
5)n. a delicate degree or shade of difference.
6)n. sleep-walking.
Bonus: n. worship of, or morbid or sentimental reverance for, the dead or dead bodies.
Arthur Granville Smith
Jun-14-2005 03:45
Not tried this before, so let's have a go!
1) nascent
2) nefarious
3) nepotism
4) ? can only think of nightmare!
5) nuance
6) ???
bonus: necrophilia?