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Daily Vocabulary Quiz
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Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Jun-7-2005 23:57

OK ... as there are so many readers and writers here, we'll see if this is popular ...

I'll post a list of dictionary definitions and see if you can provide the word. I'll try to balance between making it too hard and making it interesting. I'll try and make it so that, even if you don't one right, you'll at least have heard the word before. For each quiz, all answers will begin with the same letter:



Jun-11-2005 04:09

I'm with CFM on the bonus...Animism would fit.

Or Introjection, but that implies taking in unconsciously...I'll keep thinking though :)

The Librarian
The Librarian

Jun-11-2005 05:10

I came up with the same 6 as Envy. For the bonus, again, I can't think of one beginning with 'I', but I think personification fits.

Pinball Amateur

Jun-11-2005 05:19

1) Idiosyncrasy
2) Impassive
3) Impel
4) Iinamorata
5) Inconito
6) Invidious
Bonus - Individuate (doubt it's right but I can't come up with anything better...)

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Jun-11-2005 05:23

Flippin' heck! I think there should be a cull on the amount of clever people playing Sleuth. I'm going to file an official complaint with Ben that you're all annoyingly clever : o )

Cfm: 2/6 (you were first, though, which is harder - and you were the only one to get idiolect)
Envy: 5/6
Lib: 5/6

Envy - well done - the answer was 'introjection'. I'd never heard of it. Animism, personification and (deep breath) anthropomorphism are all really cool words too. I'm going to see if I can use them all today, though I'm going to the beach so it might be hard : o )

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Jun-11-2005 05:24

Sorry Andy - we were obviously posting at the same time so I hadn't scored yours - you got 4/6.

Madame Giry
Madame Giry

Jun-11-2005 12:14

OK, here are some Russian words... I'll spell them out in English, with the same Russian pronunciation... give me the definition.

#1.) predoopreeshdall
#2.) preveedenyeah
#3.) prashayouss
#4.) prasteetsiye
#5.) pasheliyuye
#6.) pazaveetseyeie


Jun-11-2005 15:56

Huh that you from a different detective?

*sits there confused, as she didn't know Blaise spoke Russion, after all these months of chatting.*

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Jun-11-2005 15:58

No, it's not me : o ) I'm not a Madame and my Russian, sadly, is somewhat rusty.


Jun-11-2005 16:04

I was already hella confused that you posted something in Russian, while pretty much for 99,9% of us it would be a challenge who has found it in the dictionary first. Instead of being a quiz.

I assume this person asked it was OK to post todays daily quiz? Because I kinda miss seeing yours in a language I can actually understand.
Now because you delagated it, we miss out. snif.

*shamefully admits, she asked for help on her pub quizes too*

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Jun-11-2005 16:49

Well ... I'm going to post the next one anyway, because I don't want you to be sad, Jstkdn, but you have to try and answer them : o )

All answers beginning with 'J':

1)adj. pertaining to the neck.

2)n. a woman whose ugliness by conventional standards is part of her charm. (Fr phrase).

3)adj. full of jokes: facetious: merry.

4)adj. empty: spiritless, meagre, arid: showing lack of information or experience: naïve, immature, callow.

5)n. a joining: a union: a critical or important point in time.

6)adj. according to sound judgment: possessing sound judgment: discreet.

Bonus: adj. becoming youthful.

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