I've tried...
Mar-16-2005 20:18
Really, I have, but I still miss my sidebar! Anyone else wishing the handy little thing would be gifted back to us? Especially with all the traveling, trying to keep track of what is where, it would make it so much nicer.
*gets down on her knees, folds her hands, and looks up pleadingly*
Ben, please, I'm begging you, will you at least consider bringing it back?
Replies |
Mar-18-2005 18:08
Yes, if it were more similar to navigate to the same places in different cities because of the sidebar, I would love it. It might be less realistic, but it would also be less annoying. I like seeing the map, but I like USING the sidebar.
Old Shoe
Mar-18-2005 18:14
Ok, the new poll of the week for www.shhl.tk is Side bar or No?
This will MAKE Ben bring it back if we get a lot...at least I hope so.
Old Shoe
Mar-18-2005 18:17
Please go vote!
Old Shoe
Mar-18-2005 18:26
And the little comments after each choice are in no way supposed to sway your vote... :)
Mar-18-2005 18:48
Thank you so much Jojo, you are such a doll!
*Heads off to vote*
*stops by Rev's office and hides his Mozart Concerto for Horns CD*
Mar-18-2005 19:39
I liked the sidebar, but since I'm not competitive, things are fine as is. I do vote to put it back though.
Mar-19-2005 05:45
I don't care either way.
I vote if it is brought back, for it to look graphically nice in the same style as the icons now.
The old side bar, with the old style and icons, I would decline.
Old Shoe
Mar-22-2005 18:29
The polls are closing this Friday. Get your vote in at www.shhl.tk!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Mar-22-2005 21:00
Skyler Michaels
Mar-22-2005 21:03
Is that a Yes I hear Ben are we gonna get our sidebar back with all the new logos. Skyler looks to the Heavens for an answer pleeeeeeease Ben.