Dark Raven
Trusted Informer
Mar-3-2005 13:06
Just a thought, I know that you can store items in lockers when you are in an agency. What whould you think of having another location like a bus depot where we could rent a locker for an initial fee and a lesser daily/weekly fee. I am sure that would come in handy for those who travel to a different city than that one of their home base or to detectives who do not want to join agencies. Maybe you could also use the owner of the bus station for tresure hunts or some other function. Let me know what you guys think.
Dark Raven
Replies |
Mar-4-2005 09:38
Ben I think your plans are generous. Having access to 4 items would be good--enough for a set of smarts gear. Personally any more would be icing on the cake *dodges spitballs from other detectives* I'd hate to see the challenge of working in a field office taken away. Storing one or two cases sounds good, too.
Mar-4-2005 10:16
I would actually like both. The field office would be great for agencies but it is time the other agents had something too. While, I don't feel Sirens is in the leagues of "super agency" we would aim to do this. (Although we are a SUPER agency to be with :) ) It would be useful while forging contacts in other cities and getting help on cases while in other cities.
Mar-4-2005 11:32
I agree 100% with Dogberta :)
Mar-4-2005 14:18
I further what Dogberta said. I especially like the idea of each detective having to manage their own little storage locker with maybe 2 items. And it is better for the hunts, now that they are actually lasting a while, not to have too much when we're travelling.
Dr. Falco Maltese
Mar-4-2005 21:51
I don't want TOO much but I have to admit I like Ben's original thoughts....
A compromise would be a locker at the bus station or wherever, and the capacity to pass a key to an agency member who is in the same city at the same time you are there....
....and if someone leaves with the key, you have to get it from there wherever they are, even if it's in some other inconvenient city?
Pinball Amateur
Mar-4-2005 22:44
Maybe we could make the locker key an accessory, making us carry one less item to help our stats each case if we want the locker?
I can hear me already, "HELP! I locked my key in the locker!!!" :)
Spider Man
Mar-5-2005 03:22
I think I have to agree with Orbitrux...giving us room for at least a full set of smarts gear would be fantastic but limiting them so they can't be shared amoung the agency members IF they are involved in hunts.....Might take a little creative programming to achieve that.... but maybe that would solve the Treasure Race also...(winking at Dogberta)
Spider Man
Mar-5-2005 03:27
Also Ben how about A western Union so we can wire money back to our agency to pay the rent....LOL
F. E. Dzerzhinsky
Mar-6-2005 05:23
Making the locker key an item sounds like a good idea. Makes you trade flexibility for strength.
Mar-6-2005 06:38
As to spider man's suggestion, surely this could be achieved through the bank or post office rather than setting up a seperate place. After all a lot of the locations we visit are for more than one thing.