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Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Mar-3-2005 13:06


Just a thought, I know that you can store items in lockers when you are in an agency. What whould you think of having another location like a bus depot where we could rent a locker for an initial fee and a lesser daily/weekly fee. I am sure that would come in handy for those who travel to a different city than that one of their home base or to detectives who do not want to join agencies. Maybe you could also use the owner of the bus station for tresure hunts or some other function. Let me know what you guys think.

Dark Raven



Mar-3-2005 14:54

I am absolutly in love with the idea!


Mar-3-2005 16:21

that sounds great

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Mar-3-2005 16:40

I've been waiting for some feature like this - a suitcase to travel with...



Pinball Amateur

Mar-4-2005 00:58

Great idea!


Mar-4-2005 02:17

I've really grown accustom to using the Agency locker, quite frequently. So, this is an excellant idea. Maybe, we can purchase items there, as well? Similarly, to the Fence at Lucy's.


Mar-4-2005 03:40

or like a pawn shop ;) and if u forget to come back in time the item will be sold to others LOL

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Mar-4-2005 07:48

Well, I'd been planning on allowing agencies to expand their field offices with a small locker (maybe 4 or 6 item capacity) and a small case file folder (maybe 1 or 2 cases per detective). Would you prefer a personal storage space to an agency one like that?

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Mar-4-2005 08:14

yes Ben Please give us a case file storage area. and the 4 or 6 items storage space in the field offices would be great.


Mar-4-2005 08:27

Although the storage space in other cities would really help, I have actually enjoyed the new challenge of working cases without the resources. It has changed the dynamics of hunts to add a 'home court advantage' that only works in one city. I think that has made the hunts a lot more fun - like the old days.

I vote for the bus locker idea with space for maybe one or two items, and each agent would have to manage their own and couldn't share with teammates. That would be a boon to the subscribed folks who don't choose to join an agency.

Let's keep a little challenge. I think expanding the agency space would just foster 'super agencies' and dump us back into the speed race mode that I am not missing at all.


Mar-4-2005 09:38

Ben I think your plans are generous. Having access to 4 items would be good--enough for a set of smarts gear. Personally any more would be icing on the cake *dodges spitballs from other detectives* I'd hate to see the challenge of working in a field office taken away. Storing one or two cases sounds good, too.

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