Sleuth top 10
Feb-10-2005 15:00
10. Bella and Swan are always number 1 at everything, unless they stop playing.
9. There seems to be always someone online in Starsky and Hutch.
8. Jojo almost never fails, to change a topic.
7. I never fail to respond to it.
6. There is always someone who is sure they had a case where evidence pointed to a person with a fake alibi. Yet it was not the killer.
5. Rule of thumb: Bryola gets all math questions right.
4. Most of us don't want the game to be easier. Yet most of us also post ideas to make them easier.
3. There are always people that want to join an agency when they are not subscribed. Usually the same people have not played more then a couple of games.
2. When racecat pops his head up. Something bad has happened.
1. It was not me, it was my brother.
Replies |
Feb-16-2005 21:46
Regarding Harry Potter, I just found out today that you can pre-order it through Barnes & Noble & then go pick it up at the midnight sale. I might do this instead. I pre-ordered through Amazon, but it gave me a delivery date of the 17th, and I just don't know if I can wait an extra 24 hours...
Feb-16-2005 22:21
I'm with you on that one, Orb. Although Costco gets piles of them in at a very cheap price, if you can stand to wait for it until business hours the day of release (and live somewhere this is relevant, of course).
Lucky Stiff
Dec-30-2006 21:12
The New Sleuth Top 10 (except its 11, cuz thats how many I thought of)
1. HH London will win at LEAST one hunt a day every day.
2. There will be, at any given time, at least three game threads on the front page of gumshoe (at least, until tonight....boredom is a wonderful thing)
3. The pub quiz will be won at least every three-four days by Secret Squirrel or John Q Publik
4. Jojo will complain at least once a day about the "no jojo's allowed" sign
5. No matter how many times its said or how many sticky threads there are to that effect, unsubs will ALWAYS want to join an agency
6. Carriemehome will win an AVH approximately every four days for the rest of her existence
7. At least one person will post something about Nancy Drew on an almost daily basis
8. Crunchpatty will post something completely out there, but it will all be okay, cuz it will be surrounded by *s
9. At least once every ten minutes, a newbie will come into bar chat and ask you what you know about a suspect or who the murderer is
10. Serges will post something about the AVL in a completely unrelated thread at least once a week
11. Ben will dangle the idea of an expansion in front of us and watch us all salivate Pavlov style
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Dec-30-2006 21:27
12. biggie will be guarenteed to make 37 posts a day just so she can see her face.
only joking hun ya know i love ya really
Lucky Stiff
Dec-30-2006 21:28
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Dec-30-2006 21:31
ohhhh look there you go again :)
Dec-31-2006 13:12
LMAO! That is absolutely awsome...
Thanks for the plug biggie, btw.
13. AlZ is presumed dead, only to re-surface again once a month or so with a completely weird-o post
Dec-31-2006 16:02
You forgot #14!!!!
14. Ben will orchestrate new expansion releases JUST so the AVL staff and I can bang our heads against the wall and say "He did it to us AGAIN!".
NOTE-- this post also covers new rule #10 :)
Lucky Stiff
Dec-31-2006 23:32
ahhh see im not the only one who gets baited :)
nice to see you back Serges :)
Con Artist
Dec-31-2006 23:52
dang... i didn't make the list... Looks like i need to go crazy and start hijacking threads again.