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Sleuth Olympics
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Pinball Amateur

Jun-27-2016 17:56

In just under six weeks, the 31st Summer Olympics and the 15th Paralympics will occur in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from over 190 countries around the world will gather to compete in some 35 different overall sports over a period of about 3 weeks.

Many people have commented recently that they would like to see some more activities taking place here on Sleuth. A few of us creatively evil types were wondering if we put together a series of activities for people, would y'all be interested??

We are looking for at least 8-12 people, of all experience levels; both hunters (treasure, casework, and Arch Villain) and writers will be needed. People will be competing in a team format. We're probably looking at Subbed players for now, but we're working on having at least two activities (not necessarily part of the teams, but supplemental to them) that will be exclusive to UNSUBBED players. All of these activities will have an Olympics theme.

So. Any takers?? ;-)

Please let us know below.

Thank you!!


Safety Officer

Jul-24-2016 16:46

S is for squirrel...

Wait, actually, just repeat that, yeah. That's enough.

Safety Officer

Jul-24-2016 16:54

** serious note now **

About new Agencies...

1. Please don't leave your old agency without having ONE OTHER DIRECTOR you have access to OR are on speaking terms with :) !! Otherwise you won't be able to get yourself back in!!

2. Everyone should have heaps of money to establish an Agency etc but if for some strange reason you don't please contact me and Admin will forward the Agency some shiney free money.

3. Consider buying a larger Agency, or one with plenty of storage at least. There are item scavenger hunts, and you'll want some free slots on top of your alternative gear.

That's all I can think of, but No. 1 is key.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-24-2016 19:19

Squirrel is a spy!

Oops! Wrong thread.

Wow! Off we go to the Olympic. Rah! Rah!

Pinball Amateur

Jul-24-2016 19:35

**One other serious note**

4. You need to create an Agency that can house at least FIVE (5) people. You will be getting a guest (as in a judge or monitor) from time to time, and once your 4 players are in your new Agency, they are there to stay. So make sure everybody has enough room to fit. Even with a Refurbished Mansion (probably the highest level you need to consider), the down payment is $28,000, which is less than 2 favors money for each team member. There are several properties that are less money, and will work just fine for the teams' needs.

5. Any current Agency that needs to have a Substitute Director sit in while a team player is gone for the duration of the Olympics (Squirrel's #1 above), please PM Breitkat or David Adams. We'll be happy to come babysit your Agency for the duration of the competition.

Now, back to the cheerleaders.... ;-D


Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Jul-24-2016 20:43

Okay,I have a question that I'm sure you can answer Breit. Squirrel mentioned having free spots for alternative gear, and you stated that once we are in the agency we must stay. I was wondering if we can make an extra trip to our old agency to pick up extra gear? I'm mainly thinking of the compact travel case. I normally don't carry mine, but know how helpful it can be for treasure hunts.

Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Jul-24-2016 21:11

Wow, cheerleaders (nice job ladies). Great display of spirit already. "Stoic" Sal is impressed and motivated now, thanks for the boost.

Pinball Amateur

Jul-24-2016 21:32

Hi Sultry. ;-)

Once the competition actually starts (which will be on Thursday, August 4), no, you won't be leaving your new Agencies unless there's an emergency. Yes, between now and the 4th, you can make as many trips between old and new Agencies as you need to make. And yes, you can use your Apartments throughout the course of the competition (this includes any cases you happen to store in them, yes ;-).

Your teams will be responsible for any fees you spend IF you move your new Agency after you set it up in the initial city. And individual players are responsible for any fees incurred if they want to move their apartments around during the competition. But both moves will be legal. Just expensive.

If there IS some kind of an emergency back at your old Agency, PM one of the Head Judges (that would be me, Riza Hawkeye, and Secret Squirrel), and we'll be happy to let you go take care of the problem back at your old group, and then rejoin your team. (We're trying to make this fair for everyone, and not give any team an undue advantage from their old group(s).;-)

Hope that all helps, and makes sense. Feel free to PM me or leave a note here if you have more questions. ;-)

Thank you!! ;-D

Go, Cheerleaders, Go!! ;-D

Pinball Amateur

Jul-24-2016 21:40

Two more notes ....

6. I know a lot of you have wanted to hear what events you all will be taking part in, and I will try and get up a calendar up in the next couple of days. I will announce the Official Line Up of events every Tuesday, with things to start off on that Thursday, at turnover. All events will last either one or two weeks, and you will know how long each event lasts.

7. All teams MUST hire an Agency Clerk when you create your new Agencies. Some of the events you will be doing will be involving looking for various specific items, and the easiest way to keep track of this is through an Agency Clerk. A simple screenshot and PM of it to the judges will keep your team accountable. So. Please hire a Clerk. Thank you!! ;-D

Now. Back to the Cheerleaders. RAH RAH RAH!!!! ;-D ;-D ;-D



Jul-24-2016 22:59

Wow, three pages of awesomeness that I missed out on. Go Team C! BadAss, Murray Arty and
Mortimer Maze we need to get together and come up with a plan. We're going to beat all the other teams! Go Team C! C from Crazy Awesome, that is :))


Jul-25-2016 07:09

In my present condition I ain't gonna beat anyone or anything. For three straight days I'm suffering from back pain now and also had to call in at work. It might be better towards the end of the week but I had it before that a back pain bothered me for three months.

I don't want my team losing precious time though. If you can find a replacement then do so.

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