Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2016
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
May-4-2016 13:00
Greetings, all! This year's tourney post turned out to be a little (okay, a lot) longer than I expected, so please follow this link to see all the information:
Then come back here for all your sign-ups, trash talk, updates, and other miscellaneous tourney needs. :)
Replies |
Professor Troof
Lucky Stiff
Jun-9-2016 14:18
Only 18? I've had the same 50-50 choice for 18 cases and still unresolved. Bah! Sleuth gods, turn not thy backs on my woes...
Jun-9-2016 14:18
There's an idea for a new item. After the compact travel kit we could introduce the avoid repeat clues kit. As a reward after solving an x number of scripted mysteries ...
Jun-9-2016 14:54
Or for playing for more than ...10 years :))
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Jun-9-2016 15:57
I wouldn't crow too much Yeti. The race is not yet finished, images of the tortoise and the hare are springing to mind.
Besides we all know how fickle the sleuth gods can be. One day nothing can go wrong, the most impossible of cases solved with ease. You find your co-conspirator in 2 cases. The next day, you have been told that the co- conspirator is south of the race track for the 5th time, and you've had to quit 4 cases. Your only other clue has been repeated 3 times.
Bonanza Jellybean
Jun-9-2016 16:30
Hmmmm Yeti... I got to my third stop - London - and got my first clue FOUR straight times. Guess I will be spending the night in The Old Smoke.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jun-9-2016 16:49
I'm with you Devilish. I think Yeti has rigged the game to his benefit.
I think Cairo will be his downfall, though. Zombies are going to come shambling out of the pyramids and feast on his hairy hide, then drag his remains down to the catacombs where scarabs will finish off what is left of him!
Keira Ann
Jun-9-2016 17:01
All but 1 Cairo clue today has been a repeat of my clues yesterday. I knew I skated through Shanghai too fast for my luck to last.
But I am not out yet, so don't get too cocky Sal Iva! On the other hand, that's how mistakes are made. So, take it easy and relax...hehe..
Safety Officer
Jun-9-2016 18:07
I've been asking Ben for an auto-solve button for years - purely for 'testing purposes'.
No result.
Pinball Amateur
Jun-9-2016 21:04
This "somewhat unflustered" detective is really wondering where the *blip* the City News boys get their information from, as well as what sources they use. Cause they sure didn't get their interview from this Three-Legged-Tom's mouth.
My sympathies, Marc. Don't let the neigh-sayers get ya down. (Yeah, that pun was intended. ;-)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-10-2016 01:03
That's a rather brutal description of my potential demise in Cairo, Sindy.