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The Resistance: Steepers vs. Tigers
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Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-1-2015 09:01

The rival factions of the city of Shangri-La have been at odds for years. The Tigers seek to crush all opposition to the Prince’s rule, while the Tea Steepers are disapproving of the new Prince’s disregard for the peaceful traditions of Shangri-La.

To complicate an already fragile state of co-existence, quite a few nemesis hunters have gained the trust of both factions. Both factions, while obliged to be cordial to their new saviours, are feeling uneasy with what is apparently the new status-quo. The Prince’s soldiers have worked to ensured that the Monastery is off-limits to all visitors to Shangri-La, but this hasn’t stopped the Steepers from finding detectives sympathetic to their cause and collaborating with them " and the Tigers know it.

With the haunting clickety-clack-clack of countless pairs of Polka Dot Pumps ringing in his ears, the Chief of the Tigers of Shangri-La resolves to destroy the Tea Steepers once and for all. The Tea Steepers, fully aware of the plans the Tigers have in store for them, put together a team of detectives to put their plan into action. The wise monks of Shangri-La (after a few brainstorming sessions with the Scholars of Shangri-La " because you can never escape the Scholars of Shangri-La) know that there is but one way to protect their campaign against what they believe to be the Prince’s oppressive rule. However, the Prince’s Chief of Security has managed to sneak a few trusted informers onto the team.

Will the Steepers succeed? Will their champions succumb to the scheming of the spies? Will we ever figure out what's going on with Rasputin’s Egg? How many Sparkly Vests are the Tigers slowly processing to create"? Whoa, I nearly gave the game away there. Anyway, let’s find out!


Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jul-13-2015 10:14

1) She voted through a three person mission she was not on.
2) When I suggested a team containing her and I, it was voted through unanimously - therefore either her or I am a spy.
3) When given a power that as a Resistance member would give her an out to reveal her allegiance to someone, she gave it to me instead.

Which brings us to a very exciting point:

When tasked to put together a team she naturally left me out of it, but she also left you out of the running. Isn't that funny? Pass the watered down and foul tasting beer.

Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Jul-13-2015 12:23

I guess I'm just a dullard. Where you see "proof", I see only possibillity. Keep the beer, I'll have bourbon.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jul-13-2015 19:47

La la la,

Sorry folks! I was off at a job interview (wish me luck!).

I'm afraid I'll have to bitterly disappoint you after all, Yeti... and damn you for analyzing my tres bien acting skills Riza, but I shall have to vote SABOTAGE!

That's right, I really am a dirty spy and a hearts-strings player and I'm not sorry at all!

Vive les Tigres!!! *drops mic and walks off-stage*

Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Jul-13-2015 22:38

Good luck, Molly. On the job interview I mean. :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jul-14-2015 02:58

I am never talking to Molly Maltese again. She has bitterly disappointed me and I consider our budding friendship quashed.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-14-2015 03:25

Mission 4:

"You'll never outrun a Tigress, boys!", Molly called out to Sal and Yeti as she shot into the train out of Shangri-La with the only pumps they could find.

"All those favours..." Yeti said, staring at the train. "It all comes down to the last mission," said Sal, nodding.

They headed back to the park to break the news to Riza, DW and the monks.


Mission 4 was a FAILURE.

The votes:


The game is tied (2-2).

Riza is the next leader.

The List:

Molly Maltese
Riza Hawkeye
Yeti Face
Sal Iva

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-14-2015 03:26

Mission 5:

“It is…” The monk seemed at a loss for words. The team had never seen him before, and he was the most un-monk-like monk they’d ever met.

“Unfortunate,” the boy monk suggested.

“It is unfortunate you couldn’t get the shoes, detectives. What’s an outfit without the right pair of shoes!” the older monk lamented.

“Detectives, there is no room for error on your last mission. We *need* a Foxtail Boa,” the young monk stepped in front of the other, who had his head in his hands. The Prince has been hunting…something in the caves for years now. It has evaded him for so long, but I’m afraid that with the items the Tigers have collected, it won’t be long before the Prince gets what he wants. But if we can obtain the Boa, we may yet be able to bring an end to the Prince’s reign.”

“I put my faith in all of you, do whatever you think is best and bring us this Boa of which we are in such dire need.”

He walked away to attempt to pacify the older monk, as the group headed back to ‘Top of the World Teas’ to plan their final mission.

Riza will be the next leader. Riza, please propose a team of THREE detectives for Mission 5 (you may put yourself on the team). Once Riza proposes her team, everybody will vote on whether or not they approve the team proposal by PMing me. If a majority approves it, the mission starts; if not, Yeti will be the next leader. Your power (which you can give to anybody, including yourself) is...

OPINION MAKER: The receiver of this card must post their vote (Mission A, Team B, YES/NO) for team proposals first and publicly on this thread for the rest of the game.
*To be used immediately, with permanent effect.


Jul-14-2015 03:45

Molly? Really? Well what do you know. My latest assumption might be the right one. She could have easily lied about Yeti, covering his spying ways. Why would he have chosen Molly otherwise? I know I'm not here often, but really, is it clear yet that I'm not a spy? Yeti had been trying to throw shade on my name from the very start and he's been doing it relentlessly. Whether I even step foot inside this bar you all keep meeting in or not, I've been the butt of his jokes, taunts and accusations.

(giving credit where it's due: I laughed out loud at your phrasing, Molly. good luck on your job)

Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Jul-14-2015 09:16

I propose a team of Sal, Yeti, and myself.

I'm giving OPINION MAKER to Sal.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-14-2015 09:43

Riza has proposed a team.

Mission 5, Team 1:

Riza Hawkeye
Yeti Face
Sal Iva

Everyone please PM me with your YES/NO vote when you're ready. Sal, you have OPINION MAKER, so you will have to post your YES/NO vote here rather than sending it to me by PM.

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