Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2015
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Mar-31-2015 10:50
Greetings, citizens of Sleuthville! The time has come once more for the annual Sleuthville Arch-Villain Hunt Tournament. This year’s tourney is being held a month earlier than usual so that we’ll have enough time in the Fall for other fun planned activities. The format, just like last year, will be one-on-one matchups. I welcome and encourage all old and new players to participate. Drag yourselves out of those doldrums and come enjoy yourselves with a little friendly competition.
The format will be 16 detectives, each randomly paired off by a magic baseball hat to face one other person. For this competition, players going through Cairo will have a day taken off their totals. The fastest player(s) from each round will go on to the next round until a winner is determined. In the case of a tie (same day capture), both players will move on to compete in a triple threat matchup. Failed hunts will not count against you; you will not be disqualified. If you fail your hunt and would like to start another, you may, but the day count will start from the official start date of the round. The last one standing wins.
The rules:
- Either PM me or post here as soon as possible if you find that your hunt goes through Cairo, so I can keep accurate records.
- In the spirit of competition, trash-talking is allowed, just as long as it is friendly and appropriate.
- You may not PM me to ask for any AVH hunt help or advice.
- If you are unable to compete in a round for whatever reason, you are allowed to ask someone to sub in for you for that round only. This privilege may only be used once, and only in emergencies. The player who is subbing in for you may be anyone who is not competing in the current round, even someone who was not initially entered in the competition.
You may:
-travel to Shangri La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-use a travel kit
-use head of faction privileges
-use agencies and apartments to swap gear
Replies |
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Mar-31-2015 10:50
You may not (enforced only by the honor code):
-use sidekick cases (for either clues or travel)
-agency jump (the agency you’re in when you post is the one you stay in)
-enter second/third detectives, etc.
I reserve the right to disqualify any player from this competition at any time for breaking any of the rules or for behaving inappropriately. All final decisions rest with me.
Anyone who would like to join, please POST here. Participants will be gathered on a first-come, first-served basis. The first matches will start on **Monday, May 4, 2015** at 0:00 Sleuth Server Time (SST). Each following round of the competition will start on the next Monday at 0:00 SST, unless one of the matches takes longer than expected. In that case, things will be adjusted accordingly and you will be updated as soon as possible. All further announcements will be made by “The Announcer.” Please check this thread regularly.
And now for the prizes! The winner will receive the grand prize of $250,000 Sleuth Dollars, a custom item prize created by Secret_Squirrel, and bragging rights for the next year. Yay!
(This tournament will go forward only if there are enough players participating [16]. If not, the tournament will be cancelled altogether. The deadline to register is 23:59 SST on May 2nd.)
Updates/announcements on the pairings and results of each round will be posted here. Feel free to PM me with any questions/concerns. I hope to see you all at the starting line. And remember the golden rule: have fun! :D
Lou Hoyle
Mar-31-2015 13:00
Count me in, looking forward to it.
Sal Iva
Little Monster
Mar-31-2015 14:07
I want in too.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2015 14:14
I'd like a place, please.
Little Monster
Mar-31-2015 14:38
I'd like to join as well.
Safety Officer
Mar-31-2015 19:50
I think I've done hats and shoes and accessories so this time round will probably be a coat of some description.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Apr-1-2015 00:22
In :)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-1-2015 01:32
Nice April fools Bela, pretending you want a spot in the AVH Tournament. I'm sure Riza won't fall for your tricks though.
A coat sounds cool. Naturally it'd look best with a +9 bonus to toughness.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Apr-2-2015 07:02
I had a cracker April Fools joke, but it's too brilliant to work. That was not it " the +9 tough coat does sound like one though, I 'll give you that :D Anyway, I think a coat would be great!
Oh, one more thing: that was kind of trash-talking, right, the coat thing? No? Okay, I'll just sit down.
Apr-3-2015 10:15
Sounds fun! I'm in!