Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2015
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Mar-31-2015 10:50
Greetings, citizens of Sleuthville! The time has come once more for the annual Sleuthville Arch-Villain Hunt Tournament. This year’s tourney is being held a month earlier than usual so that we’ll have enough time in the Fall for other fun planned activities. The format, just like last year, will be one-on-one matchups. I welcome and encourage all old and new players to participate. Drag yourselves out of those doldrums and come enjoy yourselves with a little friendly competition.
The format will be 16 detectives, each randomly paired off by a magic baseball hat to face one other person. For this competition, players going through Cairo will have a day taken off their totals. The fastest player(s) from each round will go on to the next round until a winner is determined. In the case of a tie (same day capture), both players will move on to compete in a triple threat matchup. Failed hunts will not count against you; you will not be disqualified. If you fail your hunt and would like to start another, you may, but the day count will start from the official start date of the round. The last one standing wins.
The rules:
- Either PM me or post here as soon as possible if you find that your hunt goes through Cairo, so I can keep accurate records.
- In the spirit of competition, trash-talking is allowed, just as long as it is friendly and appropriate.
- You may not PM me to ask for any AVH hunt help or advice.
- If you are unable to compete in a round for whatever reason, you are allowed to ask someone to sub in for you for that round only. This privilege may only be used once, and only in emergencies. The player who is subbing in for you may be anyone who is not competing in the current round, even someone who was not initially entered in the competition.
You may:
-travel to Shangri La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-use a travel kit
-use head of faction privileges
-use agencies and apartments to swap gear
Replies |
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jun-10-2015 07:56
Congrats ctown! The Force is strong with this one... :)
And a big thanks to Riza for organising, and to everyone for making it a fun contest.
Jun-11-2015 06:27
What did I win you ask?
A Jedi Robe:
The Robes of the Unknown Guardian
Winner's Prize 2015 AV Tourney. Found in almost pristine condition deep within the catacombs under Cairo, this garment seems to resonate with an almost imperceptible, yet powerful, force.
Toughness Test Adjustment: 6
Smarts Test Adjustment: 2
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-11-2015 09:32
*scribbles down stats* Huh what? Nothing!
Ooh, even I have to admit it looks kinda cool :D Thank you Riza, for hosting this every year and generally letting me go crazy, and everybody for getting so hyped and putting my own hyper-ness (this time) to shame :) I managed a speedy four-day finish, and I can't wait to see what the Fall events (plural!) are :D
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-11-2015 10:28
Yes, thank you for putting this together Riza. It was lovely.
Iset Hekate
Old Shoe
Jun-11-2015 11:29
Congrats, Ctown! Awesome Jedi cloak!
Thank you, Riza! I know it must be a lot of work to get all of us crazies together and organized! :D
Safety Officer
Jun-11-2015 16:00
It's a pity it's in greyscale. but then I figured ctown could finish his Nemesis Hunt and recolour. :p
Safety Officer
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Safety Officer
Jun-11-2015 16:29
Heh next Sleuth Expansion
Sleuth Space: The Next Frontier
Kind of Mike Hammer in a steampunk setting. Somebody make this happen.
Jun-11-2015 21:35
Whoever is responsible, thank you for the city news bit
Safety Officer
Jun-12-2015 02:43
Sorry it took me a day or so to get around to it, amisdst (sic) all the other things I was doing.