Daily Pub Quiz
Jan-4-2005 18:37
See if there is interest for this.
1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)
Replies |
Jan-13-2007 18:02
yeah but the two were the ones I actually knew :)
Thanks for the special mention though anyways Adam :)
Jan-13-2007 18:04
oh yeah, its biggie :)
Safety Officer
Jan-14-2007 16:47
oh dang it's me. Sorry was in Huntsville, am finished now so shall come up with something soon.
Safety Officer
Jan-14-2007 18:47
1. Which French Queen (supposedly) said "Let them Eat cake", when told the peasants had no bread?
2. What is the capital of Portugal?
3. Who "went to the cupboard to fetch her poor doggy a bone?"
4. What fairy tale does the 'Goose that laid the golden egg' come from?
MODERATE - True or False
5. The new Rocky movie is called "Rocky VI".
6. Jim Steinmen Men wrote 'Of Mice and Men'.
7. A cow has one stomach with four chambers, not as is popularly held, four stomachs.
8. The Incan civilization was founded mainly in Mexico.
HARD - Multiple Choice
9. Crustose, Fruticose, Squamulose & Leprose are all forms of:
a) Lichen
b) Skin Disease
c) Citrus Fruit Fungi
d) Roman Senators from the time of Nero
10. How many books are there in the New Testament (Bible - Christian)
a) 27
b) 28
c) 29
d) 30
11. Garuda, Indra, Balrama & Ganga are all:
a) Airlines
b) Species of Lizard
c) Hindu Gods & Godesses
d) Surnames of Indian Hockey Players
12. Besides a sea creature, the term 'nautilus' might also refer to:
a) The name of Captain Nemo's submarine from '20,000 leagues under the Sea' by Jules Verne
b) An Inflatable Space Station Module
c) A laser weapon system to intercept long range missiles.
d) All of the above.
How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?
Lucky Stiff
Jan-14-2007 18:54
1. Marie Antoinette?
2. umm i should know this huh?
3. kicks herself
4. kicks herself again
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. D
BONUS: umm 10? the real ? is, how many times must you beg for change before you're called a prostitute?
Jan-14-2007 18:56
1. Marie Antionette
2. Lisbon
3. Old Mother Hubbard
4. Jack & The Beanstalk (I believe)
5. False (Rocky Balboa)
6. False (John Steinbeck)
7. True?
8. True?
9. d?
10. b?
11. c
12. d
BONUS: 42 of course! :)
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner
Jan-15-2007 00:51
1. Marie Antoinette
2. Lisbon
3. Old Mother Hubbard
4. "The Golden Goose"?
5. True?
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. a)?
12. d)
Bonus: Like Bob Dylan, I'd say that the answer is blowin' in the wind.
Jan-15-2007 20:27
SS... add my answer to #10 to anyone else's but i know for a fact that it's a) 27.
Pinball Amateur
Jan-16-2007 01:08
1. Marie Antoinette
2. Lisbon
3. Ol' Mother Hubbard
4. Not sure
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. B. Skin Diseases
10. A. 27
11. C. Hindu Gods and Goddesses
12. D. All of the above
Um, Only the wind knows??
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe
Jan-16-2007 10:38
1. Maire Antoinette
2. Lisbon?
3. Old Mother Hubbard
4. Jack and the Beanstalk
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. D
Bonus: 14,611