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Larry only shows on favors?
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Dec-30-2004 06:01

When Larry the Toe first came out, he seemed to show up more or less at random on any kind of case.

But for the last couple of weeks, Larry cases have seemed only to show up when we are doing favors (so of course can't be saved for future hunts):-(

I think we have - as an agency - done 40 or 50 regular cases and only had ONE larry case, but yesterday's hunt, we got 2 Larry cases on favors in about 10 or 12 favors.

Has any other agency noticed this pattern or is it just a fluke for Overdogs?


Pinball Amateur

Dec-31-2004 02:48

Mouse over where Larry said to look - when the pointer becomes a hand, click and you'll get to the caberet - not much to do there unless you're rich or on a hunt though. As for the Larry frequency, sorry that I've sort of been keeping Larry sightings from others lately - I saw him twice yesterday - on consecutive cases (not the first time this has happened, third I think).


Jan-1-2005 12:15

what happens at the cabaret?

Old Shoe

Jan-1-2005 13:09

We don't want to ruin the surprise!

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