Sleuthy Dreams!
Lucky Stiff
Jun-30-2012 16:12
Hey all :) Bored today and was thinking about all the cool stuff I would love to see implemented in the game to make it better and more interesting.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a place to have the VH clues so you don't have to worry about missing one or running out of bio space to post them?
I'm curious what everyone else would want if anything were possible. What would you like to see in Sleuth?
(Maybe Ben is listening! ha)
Replies |
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jul-1-2012 23:57
Yes Amber im so clearly gearing for a fight by asking people to stay civil. You caught me. And yet i get a strange feeling that had i not stepped in to try to be a voice of reason there would have been less pleasantries to be found here.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jul-2-2012 00:00
Moving along with another idea, along with a worlds fair, wouldn't it be cool if there was something more interactive around Halloween? Maybe a little trick or treating with the townies?
Safety Officer
Jul-2-2012 00:04
I propose Nuuk, Greenland.
+ cost to travel random 6-12 cases depending on the ice flows.
+ totally white map & icons.
+ you have to hover over every building to find it.
+ you can only enter a building if you are wearing snow shoes and polar bear repellant
+ if you stay in the city for too long without solving a case you get hypothermia and have to be air-vacced to London.
+ new charm skill 'Just for the Halibut', where you use the local 'fish dance' to charm a suspect to lead you through the snowstorm to a missing suspect.
Just my initial thoughts.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jul-2-2012 00:05
Hahahaha SS, I love it!
Jul-2-2012 00:49
VS brings up a valid point about there being no factions in Cairo, ergo incorporating treasure hunts would be a difficult task. But, I don't see the notion as un-doable. Maybe not the same as current THs go, but it seems like Cairo is always the step-brother city in Sleuthville. There are agencies based in Cairo; they should (after almost 6 years) have some sort of Treasure Hunt analogue to be able to fairly compete with otherwise-located agencies that can open treasure hunts in their home city.
But again, this thread shouldn't be bogged down with debate about ideas, it should be bogged down with IDEAS!
To that end, I would love to see more twists that affect things within the case itself, like the one that has a chance of revealing an unknown suspect.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jul-2-2012 01:02
Or more homicidal suspects! Haha i love it when one suspect bumps off another one, but i only feel that way after a few too many repeats in the last city of a VH. So mine might not be a nice or valid suggestion...
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jul-2-2012 01:58
Squirrel I LOVE the idea of agncies looking more like apartments, you need to bug Ben more about this :D
A couple of simple things I would like to see:
A harder level case. Not sure how much harder you can get than 'almost impossible' but something harder would be nice.
More twists.
Will probably think of something else later :)
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jul-2-2012 03:19
On the topic of Cairo THs:
Perhaps Cairo hunts could be started by visiting the University? The theft of an artifact map would offer the different slant that people seem to ask for frequently (i.e. a variation on the murder theme). To start you would visit the Professor or Dean, pay your fee and be given the name of the first contact as usual. The reward would not only comprise the usual cash prize and fame points but also half of a catacombs map to whoever completes the final favour and brings the treasure home. Just a little bonus of gaining the map without paying skill points - nice for less experienced detectives :)
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jul-2-2012 03:41
Drat - getting my THs and AVHs mixed up there. The theft of a map would actually be pretty much the same as the theft of a treasure - so strike out that last suggestion!
Lucky Stiff
Jul-2-2012 05:04
Summer I don't think it should be struck out, it's a great idea :)
All these ideas are awesome, keep em coming!! ;)