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Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

Jun-20-2012 14:26

Ventured into Kickstarter today and stumbled across a storytelling game that's trying to get funded. They're calling it "Ace Detective," and it features artwork from the old Black Mask magazines. I do not know anything more about it or the people creating it, but it has 19 days left to reach its goal, and I immediately thought of this gang when I saw it. It might be something you guys would find interesting.


Y'all can call me Bucky
Y'all can call me Bucky

Jun-29-2012 01:29

Now it's tru'n'all that soma mah relashuns aint got no couth. But me and mah Missy Sue we done got us culture by the bucket load. We even got them flying ducks you done put on the wall. Course there's only one of them now on accounta mah great Uncle Wichita taken to shootin at them one night after a few jugs o'shine.

We done right proud of our little cabin in the hills too. Even done put our outhouse 'in house', so to speak. Course it's heck hard to keep moving the dang house everytime we wanna dig a new hole.

Don't rightly know about no implants and such. Mah Missy she's what we done call a natural beauty. Whether from the front or the back, s'like watchin two Buicks fightin for a parkin place.

Now Missy's cousin Jean Ann Barbara St Clair Jiminez, or Pedro for short, she done had them implants. Got pumped up so tight she could hardly get behind the wheel of the pickup. But then she was a fall down drunk. So not only did those implants keep her from drivin under the influence, when she hit the dirt, she'd bounce right back up again just like one of them punchin dummies. Worked out mighty fine, might fine indeed.

Ahm Right glad to hear from you again Mr Patty sir. And if'n y'all wanna venture down to the bayou with Miss cfm, that'd be might fine too. We aint disciminatin' against no foreigners. From what I can tell on this here internet thing, y'all Canadian and us hillfolk have alot in common.

Y'all can call me Bucky.

Old Shoe

Jun-29-2012 21:05


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