The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order
Battered Shoe
Jun-18-2012 11:08
Once again, turmoil is brewing in the underground crime world of New York. The city is slowly being taken over by La Cosa Nostra, the New York underground mafia. They are recruiting members at record numbers and they can be seen in every night club and bar scaring away customers. And now Joseph Hollis, the High Philosopher of the Order of Socrates, and mayor of New York, has learned of a secret plan by his rival faction, La Cosa Nostra, to go on a crime spree and make off with money, valuables, and ultimate control of various establishments in New York.
Mr. Hollis, being not only concerned with the livelihoods of the patrons of his city, but also with his rival faction gaining too much power, has decided to put together a team of trusted Order of Socrates resistance operatives to foil the plans of La Cosa Nostra. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of attrition lately, and certain people have been going to the highest bidder to offer their services as a spy working from within the Order of Socrates. Joseph is aware of this and he's put together the best possible team he can think of, but unwittingly will be inviting some spies for La Cosa Nostra to his team of operatives.
As long as the loyal Order of Socrates operatives can figure out whom amongst them is untrustworthy, their mission should be a success. But if they trust the wrong people, La Cosa Nostra will succeed and cause severe damage to the New York economy, while gaining enough power to take over the city.
Will the mayor and his team be able to restore order to New York? Or will the underground mafia, take over the city's resources? That's for you to decide in this version of The Resistance: Order of Socrates Restores Order
Replies |
M. Lacrimosa
Jun-19-2012 07:32
I vote yes..although I dont' trust Eden Zweig.....*squint* I'm watching you........
Jun-19-2012 07:33
:)))) Long time people didn't speak my real name! I thank you Eden for reminding me of my family, when I was just a boy, with no concerns and worries, when I was just Ced! Happy memories!
About the game situation, I can see you are experienced as well and your post is an informed one. I think it's too early in the game to jump to conclusions, as I made this mistake last game, when I was just a rookie. Let's see the votes now.
Eden Zweig
Jun-19-2012 07:58
Oh, speaking of rookies, I think I have to remind you that I'm a ...I really don't like this word... rookie.
And Ced, you must be quite a young fellow to think you can pull this off with ad hominems *grin*, for it wasn't I who jumped to conclusions, now was it?
All I'm saying is "Let's test you in the next round!" Come on!
BTW I like how those who have set themselves to not talk-because they don't need to- start talking the minute Serges or I imply something.
Jun-19-2012 08:44
You will see that there are people who talk and write in this game and people who just read... maybe... and they are not al spies or all resistance. Every person has his style.
I am not accusing nobody of anything yet Eden, I am just saying is a bit odd for someone to say immediately the game started ''I am not a spy''...
Lucky Stiff
Jun-19-2012 08:58
I have a feeling there will be a lot less talking with Nic as the host ;) haha
Eden Zweig
Jun-19-2012 09:02
Are you taking me seriously! The truth of the matter is, no one can figure out anything just by talking or staying silent.
As for me, I'm sporting time away with a little bit of role playing. Maybe lying a little, maybe not.
Bu... If you have a little knowledge of combinatorics, you won't be needing any of my mumbo jumbo.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jun-19-2012 09:03
Dunno about that. Now that you've got the hang of the game Biggie, I'm sure you'll talk the hind legs off everyone :p
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-19-2012 09:28
And *it* begins......confusion in 3........2....
Hah you thought id be totally lost by now didnt you?! Didnt you?!!
Well im not!
...okay ill admit i have no idea about anyone and someone mentioned voting no just to do some fact finding, and i think its good to err on the side of caution, so Mr. Stark (serges) No offense man, but im voting no.
Eden Zweig
Jun-19-2012 10:14
oh the silver platter.
the tragedy of man.
to be continued...
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jun-19-2012 10:36
Ok I think I'm voting no, just in case serges and eden are in cahoots.