I SuCk at being Detective!
Dec-23-2004 15:11
This game is so hard, but it fun. I hate the fact that 3 false accustions means you're OUT! This sucks...
Replies |
Dr. Falco Maltese
Dec-23-2004 15:12
Paradise, you can go talk to the shady guy in the bar and see what he has to tell you about your falses....
Dec-23-2004 15:14
I would...but I don't have $400!
Old Shoe
Dec-23-2004 15:26
Stick to those beginner cases for a while. And do the tutorial case.
Dec-23-2004 21:17
the newbie faq and newbie message board have good tips.
Dec-23-2004 21:50
Paradise, I agree with Megan. I highly recommend reading the newbie message board and/or faq's for newbies. Personally, I like to write down everyone I have discovered and their alibis. Then I start to check those alibis out. If their alibi is real, I cross them out.
Remember you can always come back as a different name.
Dec-23-2004 21:53
oops, I saw megan's comment on another thread. She suggests doing what jojo227 mentions.