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Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2011
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Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Apr-13-2011 22:39

Attention ladies and gentlemen, at the request of several players, I am proud to announce the Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2011! *trumpets blare and streamers fly*

The format will be 16 detectives, randomly paired off into teams of two by a third party, to face one other team. For this competition, players going through Cairo will have a day taken off their totals. The winning team will be the one with the lowest combined number of days for hunt completion. Failed hunts will not count against you. You will not be disqualified. If you fail your hunt and would like to start another, you may, but the day count will start from the official start date of the round. Irene will be tracking progress using her new program, so this can be considered as further testing.

The rules:

You may:
-travel to Shangri La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-use a travel kit
-use head of faction privileges
-use agencies and apartments to swap gear

You may not (enforced only by the honor code):
-use sidekick cases (for either clues or travel)
-enter second/third detectives, etc.

The winning team(s) from each round will go on to the next round until a winning team is determined. In the case of a tie, both teams will move on to compete in a triple threat pair matchup. The last team standing wins. Anyone who would like to join, please POST here. Participants will be gathered on a first-come, first-served basis. The first matches will start on Monday, April 25, 2011.

Each following round of the competition will start on the next Monday at 0:00 sleuth server time, unless one of the matches takes longer than expected. In that case things will be adjusted accordingly and you will be updated as soon as possible.


Pinball Amateur

May-10-2011 22:02

I'm incredibly sorry to hear that, Peach. You and Ani are both in my thoughts. ;-)


Pinball Amateur

May-10-2011 22:05

On a different note....

I just did something that I've only done once before in all the AV hunts I've worked on.



(The Lucky Tummy hit a Triple Play today!! THANK YOU MISSY!!!!! ;-)

Breit ;-D ;-D ;-D

Old Shoe

May-11-2011 05:36

Way to go Breitkat! I haven't done it myself but I KNOW that many others have done it!!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

May-11-2011 14:20

Had good luck in my second city, and after a couple of repeats in my third, I made it to my fourth city, which happens to be Cairo. We'll see if my luck holds out! Congrats to Breit on making it to city 3 on her first day! And Peach, I hope you'll reconsider. Lady Jas is a great substitute for the round, and it doesn't seem right that you should drop out due to a complication.

Andrew Corelli
Andrew Corelli

May-12-2011 10:15

Arch Villain Arrested!
The notorious criminal Frau Dolores Malatesta was brought to justice by Andrew Corelli after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world.


May-12-2011 11:00

Wow! Congratulations Andrew!!!

I hope to be capturing today as well. - and I really hope I will, I have come home to New York, and with a whole case load for the last city....

I only need some time... I promise, if I don't get it this evening, I will set my alarm clock to wake me up early tomorrow, so I can do the cases before turnover...

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

May-12-2011 16:39

May-12-2011 16:38
Arch Villain Captured!
The notorious criminal Antonin "Stiletto" Hruby was brought to justice by Peter O'Neil after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world.

OK Breit. I'm looking for your name, partner.

Pinball Amateur

May-12-2011 18:37

May-12-2011 18:25
Arch Villain Nabbed!
The notorious criminal Magistrate Scholastica von Dreyst was brought to justice by Breitkat after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world.

And there it IS!!!!

HAH!! Take THAT, Scholastica!! ;-D ;-D ;-D

Okay, who's next?? *evil grin!!*


The Announcer
The Announcer

May-12-2011 20:22

By unanimous decision, the current week's hunts are not being counted, active or not. The start of Round 3 will be postponed until next week. Details will follow.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

May-14-2011 11:11

I voted for not counting when I thought that Vulkie and I had an assured victory due to being on my 4th city on my third day which would have been minus one. Turns out our team and Peachikkas would have been the only ones eliminated this round if I had voted the other way.

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