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What Am I Going To Do?
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Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Feb-14-2011 00:51

Hey guys. This is kind of a follow-up to my last thread. There I asked many of you what you had done to make things any different. Here I'm asking you, "What are you going to do?"

I always tell students it's better to show not tell, so here we go!

What I'm doing- Tonight I started writing a short scripted mystery that will serve as a tutorial to answer a lot of the common SM questions that people have.

How long will it take me- Hopefully I will have the whole thing done in a month (but with me who knows).

What would I need for it to work- I'd need it to be approved as a Scripted Mystery and ideally I'd like Ben to make it free to all players.

So what do you think guys? What can you do to help Sleuth?



Mar-25-2011 09:00

I am happy for the update. We will go with your way of calculating points, which is basically the system I put up as well.
- just with the addition of the 7-points for day 6 ;-)

BUT, I have deliberatedly choosen 4-member teams, and 3 of the members to give score to the teams total. This is because I want the team to cooperate, but not end up shooting at each other if one is extreemely unlucky.

So, I will make the computer calculate the team score for each possible combination of 3-members within the team, and make it stick with the combination that gives the best score for the team.

This means all will set out from Shangri La, with a new Villain to catch. (preferably not start before the start date April - 1), and try to make the team get a good combination of scores. Even if one of the team members end up failing his or her AVH, the team might still end up with the top score :-) This is an experiment, that I do hope will encourage people. But, we need to test it to see if my suggestion is correct or not.

We won't know until we have tried.


Mar-26-2011 16:24

Are we allowed to trash talk? ;-)


Mar-26-2011 17:31

Sure :-)
Reason why I have not mentioned anything about it, is because I am fairly weak on the social area, so I did not come up with the idea of encouraging it. Thank you for bringing it up, so that my weakness is overcome. Great ideas and suggestions are always great ideas and suggestions. :-)

Also, I would personally be very thankful if you would comment on the ideas we are testing out, if they work or not.
We are testing things like:
* your AVH will be given points as if it failed if it starts too early, or last too long. - are 13 days too much or too little, or just a problem with having a limit of days that will make your AVH count as failed?
* if you get a failed hunt, and start a new hunt within 4 days after the start-date, you will be given points for the second hunt, rather than the first one.
* if you pass through Cairo, and make that "seen", the number of days for your hunt will count as one lower. I.e. a 6-day hunt through Cairo, will be seen as equal to a 5-day hunt that does not involve Cairo.
* there are 4 members of the teams, but just the 3 "best" will make for the team score - something that I hope will be a bit more "forgiving"
* we will be using the score calculation model of Serges, to encourage the teams to cooperate

All of this is part of the experiment, and I would like to know what plays well, and what does not really play well.

When the page is uploaded, you will be able to see the scores on this page:
- and there will be no need to log in to look at it. There will unfortunately be a couple of days until it will be released from test though :-P


Mar-30-2011 13:54

Preparations start to take form.
The page is uploaded. - at least the first version of it.
There is still a part missing, the part that will calculate the score of the team... - I hope that I will be able to finish it before too many start to catch their villains.. ;-)
Some of you might start considering travelling to Shangri La?...
- if you want to have some "edge" on the others ;-)
But, please, don't start until after the turnover.

I hope you will be having fun, and bring in some experience - so that we will know where the needs for improvements are :-P

I wonder, will it be age before beauty this time, or skill before wisdom? who knows?

Safety Officer

Mar-30-2011 15:42

I don't know if this helps or not, but as you do Cairo more often, it will distinctly get easier. Offering people who get Cairo a 'discount' might actually make Cairo a desirable city to get for some players.


Mar-30-2011 22:22

You may very well be completely right. That is why we would like to test it out. :-)
Later on, when I have been able to create a user interface to do the setup of an AVH tournament, the one day by passing through Cairo discount, will be an option to choose, or not to choose.
- just as you will be able to choose to go by strict rules (the first villain you start hunting, in the preset timeframe (-1 day, 4 days), will be the one you have to stick with, or by "gracious" rules (if you in some ways fail one hunt started within the timeframe, and starts another one, that's better also within the timeframe, the last villain will be seen as the "right" one)
- whether you are going to track one villain to complete the round, or if you are going to get two in a row.

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Mar-31-2011 11:07

Looks like a good time will be had by all!

And you have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this, Irene :)

I do recall one bonus from the old AVH tournaments - called First Blood. I don't even recall the points awarded, but the very first person to capture a villain was awarded extra points. \

But someone jog my memory, did this get included in the overall team score? Now that I am thinking about it, I recall it just got added to the individual's score on the old AVH tourney website and not the overall team score, so in the immortal words of Roseanna RoseannaDanna,

" ... never mind."

Irene, I was curious about what you mean by passing through Cairo and making that "seen". Something to do on the page you are uploading?

Pinball Amateur

Mar-31-2011 11:32

*Is MORE than a little bit confused....*

Squirrel and Irene:

How does one choose to *opt* (for lack of a better word) out of Cairo???? *Goes bug-eyed at the thought.* And how, pray tell, does a detective have THAT kind of control over the server?? (I keep goin' wherever the system keeps tellin' me to go. Y'mean I can choose to NOT go to Cairo???? And NOW y'all choose to let me in on this little tidbit of gossip???? Sigh. *Goes off muttering to herself.... ;-)

As for the rest of us:

Good luck to all of us!! I hope we all make it through the round!!! And NOOO fails, please!!!! ;-D ;-D ;-D

See y'all in Shangri-La!! ;-D



Mar-31-2011 13:17

Let me try to start by trying to explain to Breit :-)
*I am awful with explaining though, but I'll do my best*

Now, the system I have made will pull out information about where the sleuths registered in an AVH tournament, from the Active, Failed and Captured Villains pages, that for ordinary users may be found in the City Hall. This collection of information is done each time someone reuests to look at the page I have put up. (No manual involvement there, or... - it's not meant to be any manual involvement). Since especially the Captured Villains page takes quite some time to load the ordinary way, my page also takes some time to be loaded.
So, the way you will be able to "make seen" to the playsleuth2 server where you are "active" with your hunt, is to look at the page I have put up, as it will "force" the server to update it's information about all the sleuths in the tournament when someone ask to have a look at the page.
So, if someone ask to have a look at the current "scoreboard" for the tournament when you are "active" in Cairo, the server will know that your list of cities included Cairo. If noone have a look at the page during the whole time you are active in Cairo, the server will not know your VH involved Cairo. Now, since you also may be = someone, you may be able to make the server know you went through Cairo, by looking at the page when you are "active" in Cairo. (That is what I mean when I use the phrase "make it seen").
So, that is the first part of my explanation.
Next part in next post :-)


Mar-31-2011 13:29

If you are going to recieve some "benefits" for going through Cairo, there is a couple of requirements that needs to be met.
The first requirement is that the tournament is set up WITH the benefits included. This specific Beta-test tournament is set up WITH a benefit of "one free day" if you pass through Cairo. In later tournaments, the one who "configure" the tournament, will be allowed to choose if there is going to be a benefit, and if so, what kind of benefit (among the availiable options).
BUT, the setup of the tournament is NOT the only requirement to meet for a certain player to actually get the benefit. If the certain player is going to GET the benefit, the server must be made aware that you meet the requirements, and actually go through Cairo. That requirement can be controlled partly by the user, in the way described in the prior post. (Other part of that requirement of course being that you actually be requested by Noir original to go to Cairo).

So, let me try to sum this up: The only thing you can choose about going to Cairo or not, is the benefit, if any to be recieved IF you are requested to go through Cairo. This benefit is tied to the configuration of the tournament. This time we are testing how a one day discount benefit will work. SS sugest that it will be a too big benefit, and he might be right, but we need testing to know.

I would also be interested in knowing what kind of other benefits that would be worth considering. :-) Only when I know, I am able to consider including it as an option for later tournament setups.

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