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Value of the Detective Shop?
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Dec-21-2004 17:07

What reason is there to actually buy anything from the detective shop? Everything is expensive compared to the skill levels it gives. Most items given in favors if not all are better in skills and free (unless you bribe). Take the leather coat for example -- $8000 +2 in charm and +1 in toughness. I could open my own agency and continue funding it with money like that! Besides, it would make more sense to save the money for the special items from the three sides. If I failed to see the importance of the detective shop, I would be happy for somebody to tell me how.



Dec-22-2004 02:47

Yeah I also used the detective shop only in the beginning, later I stopped. Not so much because of prices of the detective shop. But because you easily could earn the same or better stuff via favours. What I liked about getting stuff about favours, that offers an additional element to doing the favours.......will I get cool equipment in this favour?

In a way I think this element goes away when you stick the good stuff in the detective shop. I also find getting my hands on the zoot suit etc was too easy by buying via the factions. And had fun hoping for the zoot hat in a treasure hunt.


Dec-22-2004 02:48

That was me. :)


Dec-24-2004 12:39

what was u? r u a girl? WHATS GOING ON!!!

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-24-2004 12:49

Racedogg, PM and jstkdn are the same character. And in real life, she's a girl. Read the bio!


Dec-24-2004 16:32

Thanks Dr Falco. Yes I am also PM. Yes, IRL I am a girl. Which is why some refer to me as "she", "woman" or "Nikkie" on the board. :)

I created a male, as females often get horassed by people, whom are looking for a date, or people to talk sex with. There is nothing wrong with either, just not while I am solving murders. :)

Old Shoe

Dec-26-2004 11:06

So we can bother you with pointless PMs as long as you aren't doing a case? :)

Just let me know when your cases are gone for the day. :)


Jan-1-2005 13:49

The d-shop is good for selling back any sorted out items...

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