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Something New!!
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Apr-10-2010 06:54

I saw this when I logged on just now. Now what do you think this means??

Apr-10-2010 06:26
Villain's Mysterious Disappearance
Agents of the Prince of Shangri-La professed today that they were baffled by Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta's disappearance. Last seen with co-conspirator Patricia Green, his whereabouts remain a mystery, as she had no knowledge of his travel plans.

This is really exciting!!


Old Shoe

Apr-23-2010 09:00

Hmm, a disillusioned detective who turned to a life of crime?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Apr-24-2010 06:27

Apr-24-2010 06:05
Ambassador Releases Royal Invitation
All detectives of sharp wit and sturdy constitution, able to travel the world freely and avoid the perils of the sea, are invited to assist the Prince with his mission to end the rash of disappearing evil-doers. Anyone interested in the thrill of the chase and ample rewards should attend the Prince in his Chambers on May 1, 2010.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Apr-24-2010 07:27

Wow! A new hunt!! I knew it I knew it!! (*hind sight*)
Should we call this the EVH? (Escaped Villain Hunt)?

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Apr-25-2010 09:18

I suppose 'All detectives of sharp wit and sturdy constitution, able to travel the world freely and avoid the perils of the *sea*' means that the sleuthetania is included in the AVH too?

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Apr-25-2010 20:45

Oh, i thought he meant the pirates there.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Apr-25-2010 23:28

I was assuming that was a pirate reference, too.

Safety Officer

Apr-26-2010 07:16

so it has nothing to do with ponies? hmph!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Apr-26-2010 08:32

Don't worry - I hear they're soon going to bring out 'My Little Pirate', with different coloured shoulder parrots for each character.


Apr-26-2010 08:52

"Yar, me piratey mateys and me are looking outs for tha villain snake..." xD. I already got my eyepatch and me hook ready for the 1st of May xD


Apr-26-2010 13:35

Oh my, Cordy... warn a person when you're going to say stuff like that!! LOL

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