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Apr-10-2010 06:54

I saw this when I logged on just now. Now what do you think this means??

Apr-10-2010 06:26
Villain's Mysterious Disappearance
Agents of the Prince of Shangri-La professed today that they were baffled by Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta's disappearance. Last seen with co-conspirator Patricia Green, his whereabouts remain a mystery, as she had no knowledge of his travel plans.

This is really exciting!!


Pinball Amateur

May-7-2010 19:30

By the way, whoever came up with the stuff on the City News about that Malatesta guy is bloomin' brilliant. :-/

I'm told by the resident Italian translator that "Malatesta" means "headache."


Spot on for that one, guys.



Pinball Amateur

May-7-2010 21:33

Hmm. Let's try this again.... ;-)


Actually, it looks kinda yellowish pale to me. ;-)

The Cairo thing's confusing the heck outta me right now. (You-Know-Who prob'ly intended it that way, given my luck. ;-) I'm HOPING like you wouldn't believe that third time will be the charm, but I may be stuck in Piratesville for several months to come if I can't get the darned thing right.


However, my griping aside....

I AM rather glad to see a new approach being taken on the AV hunts. (Thank you Misfit Gang and Admin on that one. ;-) I rather wonder if we can't work up similar clues for all of the townies throughout Sleuth (using LOTS of different topics, perhaps making them pertain to each city?), rework the co-conspirator stuff for the various cities, and then program in a random variable system of some kind into the server for the whole thing. After that, a hunter might get one city with the new style of clues, he/she might get several cities, or he/she might get none (only the server would know/determine how many the person would get). That would keep things interesting all round, I would think??

I know ya can't please all the people all the time, and, as always, I'm just a lowly old-fogey, sittin' on my porch, thumpin' my cane and gnawin' on my dentures (and the cat's out sparrow-huntin' again;-), but how's all that sound??

Thank you!! ;-D


P.S. -- Congratulations, Riza!! Dunno how the heck you did it, but you got my vote for the Smartest Kid in Class!! ;-D

(Hah. Much better!! ;-D )

Con Artist

May-8-2010 01:45

Hmm... I have one complain/suggestion/comment.

I have noticed that once we accept a VH, Cairo is the first city. Is it always the first city? Can it be either first, second, third or last?

Safety Officer

May-8-2010 05:52

That's temporary, set up that way for the kick-off. In a little while Cairo will become a random city like the others, where it may appear, 1st or last or anywhere in between.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-8-2010 08:41

Using the City News was a great idea SS. We had our Treasure Hunts and captured Villans covered and now we can have news on the escaped villains! Makes for very interesting reading :-)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-12-2010 07:16

It's been a while since the City News mentioned anything about an escaped villain. Does this mean that Sleuthville's hunters are getting to be experts at roping them in? ;-)

Safety Officer

May-12-2010 17:11

For now :) the escaped Villain scenario was a way to kick off the Cairo leg of Villain Hunts. I think if we started, for example, having villains escape, and players re-catching them, or going after, say, other players failed hunt villains, then that would be a much, much, larger project.

Heh, when I played and just had 'ideas' everything seemed so simple, now I know what it takes to make even a little thing happen... eesh!

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

May-25-2010 04:59

Yayyy! Something now now... (I think)
City new, 'EXTRA EXTRA!'

Lucky Stiff

Jul-17-2010 08:57

Woah! Didn't count on getting so much sand in my shoes chasing after"the Loon". That was a surprise! And exciting and enjoyable. I love the new clues, although one of them clues is quite sneaky.

On a side note, my first failed VH! Cairo is Al-Qahirah indeed.

Assistant Postman

Jul-20-2010 09:23

@ topkebab

LOL! I find this funny, because my first failed hunt, and only so far is Kaihan "the Loon" Dvorkin . Those "Loon" characters seem to be a slippery lot. :D

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