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Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Mar-12-2010 10:38

The game's very simple. You just have to post a riddle, and the person who posts next should try answering it, and should post their own riddle.

Why do birds fly South in winter?


ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Apr-20-2010 14:51


okay ... guessin'

killing her sister can facilitate in performing another funeral.. where that guy may come again??

weird answer though!

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

Apr-21-2010 09:41

Yeah.. right, Leola! You worked that out... it took me a while to work it out myself when I first heard it. :D

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Apr-21-2010 18:25

Haha! Took me a couple times to get that one, Louise

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Apr-25-2010 09:16


A really easy one...
I have a rather long neck and quite a pointy nose. I am able to fly, yet I have no wings. What am I?

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

Apr-27-2010 09:37

An arrow. (Answered it myself!)

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

May-18-2010 09:10

Got a good one!

You have boxes arranged in such a way:
(I'll represent the boxes with letters.)

a a
b b
c c
d d

@% @%
The number 5 should be in the middle ^^
The sum of the numbers in both the DIAGONAL rows should be 25. (@% is 25 here.

You can use the numbers 1-9, without repeating them at all in any row!

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

May-18-2010 09:13

Hey... sorry about that!
I meant the letters to be diagonal. Like
a, space, a
b, space, b
5 (in the middle)
c, space, c
d, space, d

Louise Cornwallis
Louise Cornwallis

May-18-2010 09:15

I'm not able to get it diagonal yet :(

Okay, so I'm going to represent 'space' with ***

a ********** a
**b ******b

Leola Luiza
Leola Luiza
Battered Shoe

May-18-2010 10:26

Is this what you mean?


Leola Luiza
Leola Luiza
Battered Shoe

May-18-2010 10:28

Just then, someone came up from behind and put his hands over the Hatter’s eyes.

‘Guess who!’ said the newcomer in a thin, flat voice.

The Hatter froze for a moment and declared, rather coldly, ‘I have no use for practical jokers.’

‘Ha! Neither have I,’ retorted the stranger, still keeping his hands over the Hatter’s eyes.

At that, the Hatter seemed to accept the challenge of the game and started asking a series of questions in a manner that mingled hope with care.

Question: ‘Ahem. Would you, by chance, be in a black suit this evening?’

Answer: ‘I would, but not by chance, by design.’

Q. ‘I presume you’re a member of all the posh clubs?’

A. ‘Afraid not. Never even been invited.’

Q. ‘Surely you’re better than average?’

A. ‘Yes, indeed!’

Q. ‘Not spotted, I hope?’

A. ‘Knock wood.’

Q. ‘Married?’

A. ‘No, happy.’

Who is behind the Mad Hatter?

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