Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Mar-12-2010 10:38
The game's very simple. You just have to post a riddle, and the person who posts next should try answering it, and should post their own riddle.
Why do birds fly South in winter?
Replies |
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Mar-12-2010 10:39
Because it is too far to walk!
(If the next few people who post can't answer the riddle, you'll have to give the answer.)
Okay, let's start-
Who is crazy about money?
M. Lacrimosa
Mar-13-2010 06:39
I don't know the answer to that riddle. I dont think I've ever heard it before.
What natural occurring phenomenon is capable of speaking any language?
Mar-13-2010 09:56
Echo is the answer I believe to Mr. Lacrimosa's riddle. (not going to put a riddle here, just only an answer)
Heimlich VonVictor
Mar-13-2010 12:29
Is it a dough nut Lyra?
A knight and a dragon live on an island with seven poisoned wells. These wells are numbered 1-7. The only way to neutralize the poison from one of these wells is to drink from any higher numbered well. Well #7 is also at the top of a gigantic mountain that only the dragon can reach by flying up.
One day the dragon gets greedy and decides that he wants the entire island to himself. He proposes a contest to the knight where they will meet at sunset, each bringing a glass of water. The one who lives will receive the island. The dragon believes that he has a foolproof plan and the island will soon be his, but the knight knows of one surefire way that he will live and the dragon will die. What is it?
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Mar-13-2010 13:21
Okay, the answer to mine is a DOUGHnut.
I can't guess yours....
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Mar-13-2010 13:41
Sorry Heimlich, I didn't read your answer and posted the above one before. You're right!!!
Can't answer your riddle still...
Who makes jokes about knitting?
Mar-13-2010 14:27
I know the answer to Heims riddle but ont spoil it here. Heim one thing that you left out is that after they each gt a glass and meet, they will exchange glasses and drink the glass that was brought by the other.
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Mar-14-2010 00:33
Heimlich VonVictor
Mar-14-2010 09:17
Ah yes thank you ctown, the riddle should read
"He proposes a contest to the knight where they will meet at sunset, each bringing a glass of water. They will exchange glasses and each will drink from the other's glass. The one who lives will receive the island. The dragon believes that he has a foolproof plan and the island will soon be his, but the knight knows of one surefire way that he will live and the dragon will die. What is it?"
Safety Officer
Mar-14-2010 15:53
I can make the first half of this work: if the knight drinks from well 1, any of the other wells is going to be a cure. but that depends on if you drink from a higher well whether or not you get poisoned over again.
The second half, I don't know. How does the dragon die? Does it have to be water from the wells?