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2010 March Madness
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Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Feb-22-2010 13:47

Waaaay before my time here, Serges hosted Sleuth March Madness in 2007. I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so... without further ado, The copy pasted rules from then with minor modifications! ;)

The premise is pretty simple. We compile a list of 64 of the game's most recognizable players, seed them into a tournament bracket, and allow Sleuthville to vote for the "best" in each matchup.

Rules for eligibility:
You are not allowed to nominate yourself.
You may nominate up to 3 persons.
The nominated must be over 30 days old by March 1, 2010, and active.

Entries and nominations should be messaged ASAP. As soon as we get 64, the seeding process will begin and the matchups will be posted.

After the initial bracket is filled, I will post a few matchups here every day. Then, the people involved in those matchups will have an opportunity to say "anything" on this thread that they feel will allow them to advance to the next round of competition. Sleuthville votes will be what decides the winners, and voting information will be coming soon.

The overall winner of this tournament will receive $100,000 sleuth cash.

We will start the voting on March 1st, so get your nominations in as quickly as possible! Please PM me the nominations, and I will be posting a list of who has been nominated, the brackets, and all that fun stuff as we go. :)


Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Mar-4-2010 13:51

The pairings up for ENDORSEMENTS today are:

Vampiric Smile (#2) Vs. Wolf Girl 22 (#15)
Kyana (#7) Vs. Talia Rune (#10)
BadAss (#3) Vs. Andrew Corelli (#14)
Kachenka (#6) Vs. Peter O'Neil (#11)

The following will be moving on to the next round from Tuesdays pairings:

Harry Jones
Elizabeth March
Leola Luiza
Riza Hawkeye
Joseph Zeo
Elizabeth Christie

Andrew Corelli
Andrew Corelli

Mar-4-2010 14:48

Well, I just want to say that my opponent is quite badass (c'mon, just look at his name) and I can't beat that, the few people to who I have talked knows that I'm not a badass, I'm just a silent guy (sometimes people thinks that I count the words that I say, which is not true), so feel free to vote for any of us... btw, this post have seventy three words...

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-4-2010 16:49

I only have two endorsements 'cause I only know two of the players and I really like them both a lot.

Talia Rune is a great player. I once saw her solve a TH single-handedly. Don't know how hard that is but I was impressed! And she did it so fast! She is a great agency partner - always ready to join in a hunt if able, ready to help with the case files when in town; and open to discuss ways to improve agency operations. And she is a great friend. The kind who likes you without reservation and is generous with her encouragement and advice.

Peter O'Neil is not a great player - yet. He has a lot of potential for potential that he is just recently discovering. He has found how stimulating and inviting the Sleuthville community can be and he is discovering how rich the environment is. He was a little slow to embrace it but is now eager to explore his ability to add a little something to the variety of doors opening to him - what potentials are real and how far can he go.

*I have this from a reliable, confidential source close to the guy. Trust me.*

Kyle XY Rocks
Kyle XY Rocks
Pinball Amateur

Mar-4-2010 18:46

*packs up bags and goes back to the 'ole owl and walnut* :( I be in the chat room if anyone needs me.....

Leola Luiza
Leola Luiza
Battered Shoe

Mar-4-2010 20:25

Wow. I was just told that I was nominated for this! Thanks Lady Jas!

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Mar-5-2010 01:15

My two endorsements go to Talia Rune and Peter O'Neil, my lovely agency team mates.

Miss Rune is a class act, a hard working director and a wonderful role player. She is also an excellent writer and a wonderful addition to the community.

Mr. O'Neil is a just a darling of a guy, gentlemanly and has the potential to become one of the leading faces of the roleplaying stage in the future. He is also very eager to learn and integrate within the community.

Good luck to everyone else and enjoy the Madness!

*nods politely*

Talia Rune
Talia Rune

Mar-5-2010 02:40

I offer my endorsement to my agency team mate Peter O'Neil. He is motivated and quite modest, as can be seen from his post above. I have had the privilege of working with him and see him advance a great deal in the last few months. He is quite the gentlemen and a trusted friend.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Parr for her nomination as well as both Ms. Parr and Mr. O'Neil for their generous endorsements and kind words.
And a special thank you to Anais Nin to bring up March Madness 2010. It's a wonderful idea.

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Mar-5-2010 08:34

Oh, my. I want to thank whoever voted for me and endorsed me.
As for myself, I only have one endorsement to make for this list.

VS and I may have had some minor (really minor) differences in the past, but I owe him a lot.
As I was a complete rookie, he took me under his wing and showed me how things worked.
I have come to realize that many people here dislike him, so, out of loyalty and following my heart, I endorse Vampiric Smile.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Mar-5-2010 09:22

I also only know of two people on this list, and I shall have to make a point to get to know everyone else!

My two endorsements heartily go to Andrew Corelli and Talia Rune. As some of the more observant of you may have guessed, I live for the RP stage, and both have recently made their additions there in an RP short my friends and I started. Both of them have wonderful styles, and I already adore writing with them and hope there is many more occasions for it in the future. Talia and I have messaged back and forth here and there concerning an RP she joined, and I can tell you that she is one of the friendliest, kindest people I've had the pleasure of speaking to on this site. She definitely deserves to be a top contender in March Madness! *passes out Vote For Talia Rune pins*

I have had the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Corelli on multiple occasions in the barchat, where he enthusiastically joins in our (sometimes inappropriate) merry-making. He is very approachable, very kind and witty to boot. It is my hope that he shall become a household name on Sleuth, for my friends and I greatly enjoy his presence and hope that others will come to do so in the future. The first step to this goal is to vote for him to move on to the next round! Do that, and I shall have a round of martinis for all in the barchat! :)

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Mar-5-2010 10:34

Barchat has inappropriate merry-making? Really? O;)

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