~ sleuths bookself~
May-16-2004 16:41
Hi any body has read or is a fan of Nancy Drew, The Hardy boys, Trixie bendel? Puhleez post!
P.S. If so do ya have a fave?
A book lover - Mag
Replies |
May-30-2004 15:12
Ah yes, but when they bring in William Shatner you know it must be the beginning of the end...or maybe the end of the end.
Jun-1-2004 11:43
Columbo I thought always had the best cases. Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer for the hard boiled noir, and for an investigative reporter, Kolchak The Nightstalker with all these X-file type cases and an editor who would never believe him.
Harriet Vane
Jun-3-2004 20:31
I like Dorothy Sayers (could you guess?) and Josephine Tey.
Nov-22-2004 22:01
Hardy Boys were cool, Nancy Drew got on my nerves (too perfect kinda like barbie) But I LOVE Trixie Belden. Since I am 19 I would like everyone to know I read grownup books too. Any suggestions?
Nov-22-2004 22:12
Well, I'm reading The Da Vinci code and it is so awesome!!! It's about a murder and a secret that has to be passed on to someone...
I like Hardy Boys better than Nancy Drew, I have to say.
Nov-23-2004 13:13
Everyone seems to like that book maybe I should check it out.
Majandra Belial
Nov-23-2004 16:18
Definitely a fun read - and very interactive. I had a hardcover edition and too much time on my hands, so I visited the author's website. The contest's over, but the game's still fun. (Sorry if that sounds too much like advertising.)
Nov-24-2004 14:50
I love Lindsey davis' series in Ancient rome, Falco the informer. There are about 15 books now.
I read Pompei just recently, another historical detective, thriller. Great read.
I started out in grade 4 with Conan Doyle's STudy in Scarlet and was hooked. Of course I'd seen some of the films, Basil Rathbone Blk & white oldies before that. He never says, Elementary, my dear Watson, in any of the books, by the way!
Nov-24-2004 14:53
Never read Hardy Boys, and I didn't like Nancy Drew-too silly.
I had forgotten all about Ency. Brown! I loved him!
Anyone ever read Tony Hillerman? I loved those books too.
M. Zane
Nov-24-2004 16:10
I read Da Vinci Code in 2 days at the beach. It was GREAT!!! Now I hear they are consedering Tom Hanks for the movie. I'm all for that.