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May-16-2004 16:41

Hi any body has read or is a fan of Nancy Drew, The Hardy boys, Trixie bendel? Puhleez post!
P.S. If so do ya have a fave?
A book lover - Mag


Jack Cass
Jack Cass

Nov-24-2004 17:38

I personally like Elmore Leonard. Mystery um not so much, but he has a great flare for moods and he develops his characters fairly seemlessly.


Nov-24-2004 17:59

Joe Friday never said "Just the facts ma'am either


Nov-24-2004 18:01

I like Nero Wolf mysteries. The mysteries aren't very exciting, but they are written very well and they make me laugh.

Tzu Hsin
Tzu Hsin

Nov-25-2004 01:47

Well, I have read Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys. I liked the way Mr. Doyle wrote the stories. Nancy Drew was lke she doesn't get captured or anything. I enjoyed the Hardy Boys though lots of action because they always go places.
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, was really intriguing and I have learned a lot more interesting facts than in other books! I must say that I think it is better than Harry Potter considering I am also a fan of harry Potter. Oh, well.

I have heard of the Encyclopedia Brown Books and The Bobbsey Twins from my mother.

Whew, this is getting long! Ok, so my favorite is the Da Vinci Code (so far!) but for the series, I have to say, I like Sherlock.


Nov-25-2004 08:24

Encyclopedia Brown!!! Great books for kids! I could never get my hands on enough of them. (Secretly still read as an adult.) They are like the training wheels for Sherlock Holmes. Teaching the kids to pay attention to what they are reading, look for clues, and problem solve.


Nov-25-2004 21:52

I like Encyclopedia Brown too. When my little brother gets them from the library I steal them.

Majandra Belial
Majandra Belial

Dec-1-2004 18:40

I haven't thought of Encyclopedia Brown in years - are there any new ones out?
(Thread Resurrection... sorry, y'all.)
Got another Dan Brown - Demons and Angels... tip: read it in the daytime.


Dec-2-2004 00:11

Good grief....I haven't thought of Encyclopedia Brown in many years!! And when I was a little girl, I checked out as many Nancy Drew books as my school library held. I must admit, I've been an avid devourer of books since very early 7th grade I had read the Hobbit and all of the LOTR books, almost the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes, *I had even tried War and Peace but at that age got really bored with it*

I've also read all of the "Cat Who..." one point I lived in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, where all the books are based. I spent a good bit of time trying to sort out in my head what place was based on what city, lol. *It's a big "consiparcy" in the "Cat Who..." world.* Personally though, I liked the "Mrs. Murphy Mysteries" series better, by Rita Mae Brown *of which I have read them all as well* *blush*

If no one can tell, I spend most of my time reading...I'm only 21 years old, lol *blush*



Dec-2-2004 09:35

I like the cat who books too. Have you read any of the Midnight Louise books by Carole Nelson Douglass? They feature cats too.

Old Shoe

Dec-2-2004 09:43

Angels and Demons is the first of the Da Vinci code books- even though I didn't find it AS good as Da Vinci Code, I still think you need to read Angels and Demons first to get a good feel of the character.
And Deception Point, also by Brown, is great! But we also talked about this on another thread.
I used to devour Encyclopedia Brown and Trixie Beldon. I just found all my old Beldon books- the original ones, not the "new" series. Honey and Jim and Bobby- Bobwhites of the Glen.

Wow. Sorry. Such fond memories of my childhood, though. I'm finding Jim Patterson to be a great author- plus, he's featured a local radio station and d.j. to my area in two of his books, which I found to be amusing.

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