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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



May-30-2005 03:26

Daniella: She openned the window, to let in a bee, who landed only on the real flower.

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

May-30-2005 05:07

She sniffed, only the real one would have a scent


May-30-2005 07:50

Greyling - I meant you know a lot of riddles! :D

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

May-30-2005 08:45

Milady's right!- good job.

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

May-30-2005 08:47

Ok, I have got another riddle:
What has a mouth, but cannot speak?
What has bends, but has no curves?
What has a beginning, but has no end?
What has an end, but no beginning?
What can kill? What can save?

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

May-30-2005 08:49

I've got one more...
The more you take away, the more you have.
What is the thing from which stuff is taken away?


May-30-2005 09:44

I would guess that the more you take away, and the more you have is the air we breath.

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

May-30-2005 09:55

Daniella: To the first.. A River
To the second..A Hole.

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

May-30-2005 16:06

Lady Grey, you certainly know your riddles! OK, I just thought up another riddle...
Sherlock is resting peacefully in his two person tent, with assistant Dr.Watson. He dreams of his cheap canvas tent being stolen by a band of desperate thieves. He is awoken by Watson, who wishes for Sherlock to see the beautiful stars above their sleeping bags. Sherlock groaned. How did he know that his tent had been stolen?

Daniella Jewel
Daniella Jewel

May-30-2005 16:16

C'mon people, answer me!

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