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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



Dec-22-2004 09:32

Another riddle for some one to answer.

A race car driver enters a local race on a small oval track. The race is ten laps long. He completes the race in its entirety and wins. How many times did he pass the start/finish line during the race?


Dec-22-2004 09:51

11 times.


Dec-22-2004 10:02

Nop reasoning is wrong. We don't know what the first one exactly saw, except that it wasn't two green hats. The secound also didn't see two green hats. So based on that reasoning, the third would still not know, as he is blind.

Majandra Belial
Majandra Belial

Dec-22-2004 10:03

Ngah. Colorblind me.

Did he start directly on the start/finish line or a few cars behind it?


Dec-22-2004 10:15

Don't forget there are three white hats.


Dec-22-2004 11:59

cfmdec you are correct.

Majandra he started behind the start/finish line which makes it 11 times.


Dec-22-2004 12:12

All 3 was wearing white hats,the other 2 green hats were "red" herrings so to speak.The blind man knew this,and said his reasoning.


Dec-22-2004 13:35

Nop, any takers, before I give the answer?

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-22-2004 14:08

Why give the answer? Let us keep thinking!


Dec-22-2004 15:38

The blind man was wearing a white hat.

The only way the first man could have known what color his hat was, was if he saw the other men both wearing green hats, in which case he would know he wasn't, since there were only two green hats. Since he couldn't answer, at least one of the others was wearing a white hat.

Knowing this, if the second man had seen that the third (blind) man was wearing a green hat, he would have known that he had a white hat, since he knew that they both didn't have green hats. But he couldn't answer either, so he must have seen the third man wearing a white hat.

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