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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



Dec-21-2004 12:35

jstkdn- Is Charilie bald.


Dec-21-2004 14:56

It wasn't raining CORRECT!!!! I suppose bald would have been a good answer too.

Here we go:
Shadow had parked his car under a tree and was heading toward the suspect's house when a vicious dog lunged at him. Luckily for Shadow he was just beyond the dogs reach. Since the suspect wasn't home, Shadow decided to leave, but he had a slight problem. The, straining at the end of his chain, was following Shadows every move. With the chain attached to the tree, the dog had access to both car doors. How could Shadow get in to his car without the dog being able to reach him?


Dec-21-2004 14:59

If the dog was fowlling Shadows every move then why not run around the tree to shorten the dogs chain.


Dec-21-2004 15:33

Or give the dog a bone


Dec-21-2004 16:44

Elvenwonder you are right....although I guess a bone would work too. My my, everybody is so resourceful.

Here is another:

Governor Gamble, who was looking for a very smart person to be his advisor, was down to the final three applicants. He told the three men that he had five hats; three white and two green. He explained that he was going to put one hat on each of their heads. The first man to correctly state the colour of his own hat, and explain how he arrived at that conclusion, would land the job. After the hats were placed, the first man looked at the other two and said he did not know the answer. The second man looked at the first and the third, and said he did not know. The third man, who was blind, correctly stated the colour of his hat, and then went on explaining his reasoning. What colour was the blind man's hat, and how did he know?

Majandra Belial
Majandra Belial

Dec-21-2004 16:53

The blind man's hat is green.

The other two didn't know what color their hats were because each seeing man saw one white hat and one green hat.


Dec-22-2004 03:45

Nop wrong. But you are reasoning in the right direction.


Dec-22-2004 05:04

it was white? the first one saw two white and second saw white and green?


Dec-22-2004 07:03

But the second one if he saw white and green, could still had a white or a green hat.


Dec-22-2004 08:32

His hat must of been white. The other 2 must of been green. See Majandra's reasoning. :) If the other 2 wear wearing green, that is the only way they would have seen 1 green and 1 white and not be able to tell what hat they were wearing.

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