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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?


Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-7-2006 04:56

Are the bicycles complete, ie not in pieces?
Have the bicycles fallen over?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

This reply has been deleted by a Moderator

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-7-2006 08:24


Sorry about ruining your riddle for everyone. I was half asleep when I read it and didn't realize you wanted people to be guessing on line.

To make up for it, here's one:

A man and woman were driving along a road. The man saw a sign and then shot the woman. Why?

This is also a lateral thinking puzzle and I will entertain "yes" and "no" questions. It is a tough one and if you want the answer, just PM me.

*tips hat*

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-7-2006 10:32

Special thanks to Mr. crunchpatty for saving Serge's riddle for others and deleting my answer.

*tips hat*

Old Shoe

Sep-7-2006 10:33

*magically waves moderator pole and un-ruins the bicycle thing*

Yay moderator pole!

Bill: YES, the bicycles are complete. NO they haven't fallen over.

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-7-2006 11:19

Serges: Are they actually bicycles?

Barry: was the sign text? Was it graphic?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-7-2006 11:58

Bill: the sign was not text nor was it graphic.


Sep-7-2006 12:33

Bill: You'll have to rephrase your question, I'm afraid...

Barry: Was the sign inside the vehicle? Was it a sign more in the figurative sense (sign from God) than the literal sense (sign for IHOP)?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-7-2006 15:25

Serges: Yes, the sign was inside the vehicle. No, it was not a sign from God.


Sep-7-2006 16:53

Did he shoot her with a gun or similar weapon?
Does who was driving make a difference?

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