Two suspects with the same name
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Jun-14-2009 15:00
I had a case today where I had two suspects with the same name. One was the sister of the relative, and one was the cousin. They had different pictures and everything, but the same name. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had this happen to them? I mean, I've had suspects with the same first name before, but never the same first and last name. *thinks to self* Potential FA waiting to happen?
Replies |
Sara Buxton
Jan-7-2010 10:01
Hey! I'm completely sane! No problems telling who I am!
Sara Buxton
Jan-7-2010 10:02
...Never mind...
*goes off to hide*
Max Abshire
Jan-7-2010 17:20
Did the game use the same picture for the two Natalies?
Josèe Nin
Jan-7-2010 19:53
(Third personality)
Nope, dif pics. Took some screen shots, actually. :)
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Jan-8-2010 02:18
Anais/Sara/Josee get your acts together! And you're complaining about TWO suspect look-alike?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-4-2010 23:14
At least they had different pictures... or were they identical twins?
Sorry. The Natalie bug is fixed.
If anybody else sees duplicate names, it is important that you let me know what their names are... otherwise it's very time consuming to sift through the lists. All told, there are over 1500 first names in the system, and they are organized in different sub groups that apply to the different cities.
Friday Robinson
Nov-18-2011 07:26
The bug seems to be alive again.
I had a RH case today 'The Agonizing Case of the Horrendous Answer' where 2 suspects had the same name, Vera Werner, also both were daughters of the victim! But at least they had different avatars and different alibis.
In the same case 2 suspects had the same avatar, namely one of the Veras and a suspect named Seraphine. It was the avatar currently used by Ms Helen. Thankfully, I did solve the case. Hope you can find some extra-strong insect repellent for this bug.
Friday Robinson
Nov-18-2011 07:26
Forgot to mention - city was London.
Safety Officer
Nov-18-2011 21:13
Weird. I did think that couldn't happen anymore. I used to always get sucked in by Ananda and Amanda :)