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Proof that Ben hates me...
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Apr-28-2009 13:55

Yes, you read that right. I have PROOF!

It's a little something I call an AI case with two hairs, two notes, five barber and four banker alibis.

And me with the tailor as contact...

PROOF!!! *sobs*



Apr-29-2009 09:22

Hey! This is my thread! This is about MY nervous breakdown! FOCUS ON ME!!!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*careens dramatically across the room, hand to forehead, and crashes into a wooden screen*

IT'S... *sob* ALL... *cry* ABOUT... *snort* MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Apr-29-2009 09:23

Don't you just hate drama queens :D

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Apr-29-2009 09:25

Poor Ani, I feel your pain.

I was going to make you a voodoo doll of an RNG for you to take out your frustrations on. But then I realised I didn't know where to get bits of an RNG from. Or what one looked like. Or how to make a voodoo doll. So I gave up.

But, you should be getting a bunch of pins in the mail you can use to stab one of the many voodoo dolls you have of Ben. Who knew you could buy locks of hi hair so cheap? :)

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Apr-29-2009 14:17

*Seeing Anikka's amazing act, Joseph decided that he couldn't top that, got up and tipped his hats in Anikka's direction*

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Apr-29-2009 14:18

sorry, Ani, what's all about you? I couldn't hear you with all that sobbing and crashing into wooden screens. And those voodoo drums are driving me nuts ...

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