Proof that Ben hates me...
Apr-28-2009 13:55
Yes, you read that right. I have PROOF!
It's a little something I call an AI case with two hairs, two notes, five barber and four banker alibis.
And me with the tailor as contact...
PROOF!!! *sobs*
Replies |
Anais Nin
Apr-28-2009 14:14
Well... you might get lucky and solve it! Good luck! But that sucks. :P
Apr-28-2009 14:19
That's what you call proof? That happens to me constantly, and here I thought Ben was just challenging me. Now I come to find out that he really hates me? *sigh* This day just keeps getting worst, first I get made fun of by an arroagnt two day old player thats all full of himself and his new custom avatart because Ben really likes him, then I come to find out that he really doesn't like me! ;-)
Well Ani, if it makes you feel better, at least we have each other! ;-)
Apr-28-2009 14:23
Good heavens, my day keeps getting worse!!
I mean... uhhhhh... yeah, thank goodness, ctown. It's you and me on a raft in the ocean... sheesh.
Battered Shoe
Apr-28-2009 20:51
Well I know now for a fact that Ben luvvvs me ;) All of my cases always have at least 3 evidence and 4 alibis from my contact. Gives Ani and Ctown the raspberry:P
Anyone believe that?
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Apr-28-2009 20:54
No, nic, I dont believe that :P
Keira Ann
Apr-28-2009 21:18
I know that everyone so far here has been talking about AI cases. Well, I 'm not quite there yet. But today was not a good day for my rid. hard cases!! I had to quit 2 of them in a row due to the same reasons. Lots of evidence and alibis for the townie who is not my contact. Also I had to blow all my money to bribe townies just to solve my other cases. I am just trying to save up enough to pay off Shady!
Ok... my ranting for the day is done... I feel better already.
Keira Ann
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Keira Ann
Apr-28-2009 21:19
Oops! I didn't mean to post it twice. Now I really have ranted too much!!
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Apr-29-2009 07:27
ctown, did you say that a TWO day old detective has "his new custom avatar because Ben really likes him"??? No way!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for months! How can a 2-day detective jump the cue?? No way, i can't get my head around it! *Joseph fell on the ground and started to convulse uncontrollably*
Apr-29-2009 09:22
Hey! This is my thread! This is about MY nervous breakdown! FOCUS ON ME!!!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*careens dramatically across the room, hand to forehead, and crashes into a wooden screen*
IT'S... *sob* ALL... *cry* ABOUT... *snort* MEEEEEEEEEEE!