Bar Chat is Back In Business!
Battered Shoe
Mar-15-2009 12:45
Bar chat has been one of the things that has petered off a bit here as of late. We just wanted to let you know that it is back! There will be people in there most of the time, so if ya wanna pop in and meet someone new or just talk with someone old about random nonsense, come on in ;-)
Replies |
Carolyn Spark
Mar-15-2009 13:44
Yayy Bar Chat!
It's like a neverending party!
Old Shoe
Mar-15-2009 14:07
woo hoo!!!
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 15:58
seems like the message is getting around, it's a long time since I've seen chat this busy :)
Mar-15-2009 17:57
Everyone is just coming to see me! ;-)
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 18:04
OMG ctown are you STILL on that :)
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 20:58
I think it can be safely said by everyone who has been in bar chat that tonight has been, what's the word I'm looking for.....oh yeah interesting :D
Anais Nin
Mar-15-2009 20:59
Interesting, educational, eye opening, hilarious.... I think that is a good list for now! ;D teehee
Mar-15-2009 21:00
ctown thinks that barchat was an absolute blast all day long and hopes we can do it again sometime! :-D
Mar-15-2009 21:01
ctown also took Ms. Helens dare to post something on here that we talked about Stanley, Sally and gherkins!
Holly Golightly
Mar-15-2009 21:02
Holly agrees with ctown, and wonders if Stanley will come back with his gherkin.