Bar Chat is Back In Business!
Battered Shoe
Mar-15-2009 12:45
Bar chat has been one of the things that has petered off a bit here as of late. We just wanted to let you know that it is back! There will be people in there most of the time, so if ya wanna pop in and meet someone new or just talk with someone old about random nonsense, come on in ;-)
Replies |
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 21:03
Yes but you didn't tell people who Sally and Stanley are :p
Holly Golightly
Mar-15-2009 21:03
Holly agrees with ctown, and wonders if Stanley will come back with his gherkin.
Battered Shoe
Mar-15-2009 21:03
Nic never wants to see Stanley, zucchinis, balloons or gherkins ever again.
Holly Golightly
Mar-15-2009 21:04
Dang double post. :p
Does anyone want some nuts?
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Mar-15-2009 21:06
Its been a long time since Ive seen that many people in the bar. It was a lot of fun and seemed more like the old days. I enjoyed meeting Stanley and his girlfriend Sally. I hope that their relationship works out. I am thinking very seriously about starting a vegetable garden this spring and Im sure I'll be able to learn more about what I should plant
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Mar-15-2009 21:07
Stanley and Sally really make such a darling couple....everyone needs to come into chat, and meet them....especially Stanely. Dont worry ...he isnt HARD to talk to ;) He is very easy and always such a softy! Just ask Sally!
Mar-15-2009 21:07
Jonny wonders why he started the whole 3rd person thing up again, but notices that people are still doing it so they must secretly enjoy it.
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 21:08
Aknas is wondering who is Stanley and who is Sally... and what is a gherkin??
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-15-2009 21:12
Sally and Stanley can I just say I hope your baloons are very happy :)
Holly Golightly
Mar-15-2009 21:14
They were such cute little balloons...