SECRET #1 Found (For Real This Time)
Jan-27-2009 19:26
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-14-2016 10:03
I have never even seen a hint about sececret #1 in all the years I'm playing. I suspect the secret is there isn't one, they just named it #2. If this gets deleted by a moderator I'll know I'm right :D
Safety Officer
Apr-14-2016 17:13
No, there is definitely a Secret #1.
Real McCoy
Apr-14-2016 18:22
Hidden somewhere deep in SS his brain ...
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Apr-14-2016 22:05
After searching around the message boards, there is a lot of mention of factions in relation to Secret #1.
Ctown28 in his post in this thread said: "A hint for all of you: Just try to keep things even."
I wonder if you have to achieve the same standing with all factions?
I wonder if Shady knows...
Washed Up Punter
Apr-15-2016 00:33
Schlepps come up and tell me their secrets all da time. Reason they do - coz I'm good at keepin' them. I'll be takin' all mine to my grave, or at the very least to someone else's.
Apr-15-2016 00:50
If only we knew secrets about Shady, then we could demand a discount... because paying 900k is a bit much to clear one's record :)
But then again, if we knew secrets about Shady, we would probably be sleepin' with da fishes right now...
Con Artist
Apr-15-2016 07:20
PM sent to RM.
Kent Brooks
Apr-15-2016 20:02
Keep things even? Maybe, reach the same points of political standing with all factions?
Kent Brooks
Apr-15-2016 20:09
I looked back, and found cantaloupe, speckled geese and elephant in the bush.
Cantaloupe is typical of Africa and India.
I looked at Sleuth Tips and found elephant is one of the animals of the palace's gate riddle.
And i didn't understand the speckled geese clue.
Apr-15-2016 20:21
I seem to remember something about squirrels and nuts, or was that squirrels and ponies?